Atarangi, Toa of Nightmares

Doesn’t flow all that well, probably because the top of the pieces are a bit too high up.

And again it is a bit too flat and looks ironically too angular and/or blocky.
Also, hello? I have read it. When I say it looks too much like shadow what I mean is that it kinda seems like a MOV more than an original character which hurts the image of the moc. He also said that it was a character separate from Shadow. This moc may have drawn inspiration from or is based off of Shadow but it isn’t a revamp or mov. It’s its own entity.

Read it all again. Read what he said about the mask in another reply I missed. I guess you can disregard that bit.

Really nice. so cool. not so sure about the ‘skirt/kilt’ but that torso build is astonishing