Awhagaro, the Raging Storm (Samurai-inspired Bionicle OC drawing)

Hello everyone!
This time I’d like to show you my most recent drawing!
(Credit for the character’s name goes to @Brickbot99)

So here’s a little backstory for this drawing:
Sometimes, before starting a new MOC, I sketch it in order to help me visualise what it’s going to look like. Usually these sketches are very rough and nothing impressive, so I never end up sharing them, but sometimes they turn out not looking like complete trash, so I refine these sketches and turn them into actual finished artworks. This one is a perfect example of that.

And, yes, this design will get turned into a physical MOC in a couple of months, so stay tuned for that!

This character shares many problems with most of my other OCs: doesn’t have a backstory or a personality, but manages to look ridiculously edgy.
So, that’s all information I can give: Awhagaro comes form the same island as my version of Voriki, and essentially is a Kaita comprised of a Toa of lightning, a Toa of air and a Toa of psionics who somehow got stuck in a combined form.

So, that’s it for now, tell me what you think about the drawing and thanks for viewing!


Awhagaro, a mixture of the Maori words for storm and psychic.


Seeing as samurai are japanese I translated Mindstorm into japanese and Maindosutōmu came out. That might work.

Looks cool. Though I think the psionic elements are kinda hidden. It looks more like a combo of air and lightning, maybe some add in some gold or purple.

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I second this, a splash of gold would probably make it more obvious that a psionic Toa was involved in the fusion.


This looks pretty cool. I like the samurai vibes.


@Brickbot99 @Senit @Rukah Thank you all!

I really like this one! It is Māori and sounds like a Japanese name without actually being one, which is a perfect fit for a resident of a Japan-inspired island in the Matoran Universe!

This might be a good idea, but I can’t think of a good way of implementing any gold elements in the design. The character is supposed to look like an ancient warrior, whose armour had been constantly scratched and damaged in many battles, and the regal nature of gold kind of goes against that.
Let’s just say that all brown/copper elements are actually gold under many layers of grime and dirt.


Cool! not exactly seeing bionicle in this, but i do like this.


Thank you!

I never stick to Bionicle’s design language in my drawings, preferring to come up with something that has a similar vibe to Bionicle, while being its own thing.

To me, the spirit of Bionicle is in the contrast between its tribalistic aesthetic and futuristic technology, so that’s what I always try to convey in my designs…

So, basically, you aren’t supposed to see Bionicle in it, you are supposed to feel Bionicle in it… okay, apparently, I’m a philosopher now


I honestly can’t wait to see this guy as a moc, looks fantastic.
Genuinly looking foreward to seeing the lightning cape.

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Very nice :ok_hand:

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