Bat’O’Clock, Hour 1: Loaf and Bread

Cause it’s an insult.

And I’m fine with you wanting to be more so compared to the Inika, because those sets are worse. The thing that made the “Inika build” great, was when it was no longer an Inika build.


The treaty was not “well-meaning”. From what I can tell it was extremely controversial, and I was practically forced to sign it because I was out of options. Forcing people to stop doing what they enjoy just because you personally have an issue with it is in no way morally just.


You weren’t forced to sign it, and regardless of if you liked it or not, you broke it. And I don’t see why you’re still upset about it when it was a compromise.


Sorry that I find that hard to believe. If your exact words are to be believed, you started building forces the same Friday that treaty was signed. Which means you had signed it under false pretense rather than being forced to. Just accept you’re an aggressor.


We didn’t have enough bats to continue, and I suspected Chronicler would continue mutating our bats until we gave up. It was practically blackmail.

We’ve learned from our mistakes, though, and we’re more organised now



You accepted the mutations from what I recall correctly, with open arms. And you decided to attack your own self MOC for instigating this. (A funny comic BTW, would have been a great conclusion.) Your own actions make no sense to your claims. Especially when you wipped that out an HOUR after I made the initial post of mutating her.

You had the arsenal ready, there was nothing blackmailing you. You just want to continue this trend because you’re bored!


Yeah, and if we didn’t sign the treaty, the boards would’ve been stuck in an awful trend even longer, we had no options, or something like that. It’s not a valid reason to go break an agreement.

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I just said we were out of bats. The trend probably would’ve died the next week anyway.

I’m only doing all this because I believe so strongly in the cause. I’ve never understood your motives and I doubt I ever will.

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What cause? Filling the boards with this waste of pieces?

Funny, because it is the next week…



It’s actually been over a week, since the treaty was last Friday.

But that’s not my point. I don’t understand what you’re trying to gain by insulting our creations and attempting to get us to stop making them.


What do you mean that’s not your point? A cause is literally a point.

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I was referring to the part about it technically being over a week since everything went quiet.

You also seem to be consistently avoiding answering what your goal actually is.

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Then what is your cause?




I’ve stated our cause already.

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I didn’t think anyone would ever say it.


anyways this is getting heated, I’m just gonna go and make more atom comics because it is funni


This still applies.

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Well, that would be false. We have yet to go up against any trends but the bats. Also, I did not start this with the intention of what it has become, but it’s too late to go back. I saw the trend, and saw how it was only gaining traction, and I knew I’d be stuck staring at bats for much longer than I cared to, so I had to make something to even things out. Now, I want both sides to stop, but the only way to achieve that is to force the other side to quit, allowing the MMCC to retire. You could see that in the treaty.

The goal always has, and always will be to kill the trend. That’s my cause.

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