Battle for the Gold Mask - the biggest MOC contest held by the LEGO Group!

This is handled on a case by case basis. If it is clear a member is not mature enough for our forums, they will face administrative action. There’s no way for us to actually enforce the 18+ rule, it’s very easy to lie about that over the Internet- maturity however, is not


Day 2- I built the head in LDD (already had a real life version of it built) Which took some work.
Also hoping all the parts I’m using work in LDD to pov-ray because I heard of some issues post LDD update.

Day 3- Changed the limbs a bit and added a few more details, hands, and feet in LDD. All that is left now is the weapons and the pose. :smiley:

I’d like to see some pics when its done! (Not because I want to steal your design or anything, just curious!)

I will post them here once I post them on the entry sites. :wink:


current WIP


Doesn’t work. :frowning:

fixed link

I’m going to finish my three-foot giant MOC and enter that. I’m hoping that will grab some attention.

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Yeah…I was super hyped for this until I realized that I can’t MOC…


Starting on LDD now.

I don’t know where to find LDD to use it. Can you give me a link? I don’t want it for my entry but I would like to play around with it.

And @Political_Slime go for it, just submit a little 5 piece rahi and watch it smoke all the bulky MOCs.

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legit just enter a fikou
boidoh would love you

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Day 4-
Late last night I finished the ranged weapon and today I finished the hand and sword weapon. I’m not 100% sure about them so I may modify them if I get a better idea.

I might as well do a LDD to pov-ray test tonight.

I finished my entry, now I just have to submit it. Or I could put it up for pre-critique here or on BZP first. I’m thinking of doing that.

Here you go.

Pre-entry constructive criticism is an excellent idea.

On another note, I’ve realized that I misinterpreted the rules before, and will actually be able to enter Zistiam!

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Why thank you good sir.

Anyone else have as much difficulty as I do deciding on a MOC name? I finally settled with Cordak Nui, but only after a long time trying to chose.

here is what I got so far:


I like the solidity of the build, and the way those stronius plates form a scale-like look. It’s also a good use of that recolored Carapar head. I approve, it looks promising to me. The way the body is bent also looks good, it’s fitting for the style of the MOC and gives it some more uniqueness.

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The green on the front messes with the color scheme, so, unless you’re planning on attaching something green to it, I’d go with a different color.
On another note, I just uploaded mine.
Edit: @Awesomenessborn : I forgot to say, other than that odd green, good MOC. I’d point out what I like about it, but @Jowm already did.