You think that’ll stop me? I get enough of this from Winger!!
I throw a Swordurkey at @NOTaHFfan
White I’m trying to explain @Racie02 that there’s not such thing as a Pohatu sword, hence she can’t whack me with it, I realise that there’s a Lewa sword stuck in my foot… and immediately get destroyed with @Rukah’s Lewa sword turkey.
Currently I’m laying on the ground, bleeding and hoping that someone will slip on my blood
Ha! I throw another Swordurkey at @Racie02 !
While I’m trying to explain @NOTaHFfan that Pohatu 2016 had a sword, I’m distracted and hit by a Swordurkey. This causes my head to pop off and go flying. I somehow don’t notice this, and you can gather from my gestures that I’m probably still talking about Pohatu Swords even though my head is several yards away.
I’m completely out of blood and should probably be dead at this point, but somehow I’m still trying to explain the headless @Racie02 that, according to BS01, Pohatu’s 2016 weapon was a Crystal Flail.
I turn @NOTaHFfan into a Hero Factory hero, and also have a drink of @Ghid’s Root Beer.
I knock the root beer from @Spiderus_Prime’s hands and then send a horde of rabid Kamen Rider fans after them.
I was gonna throw a Swordurkey at @Brickbot99, but now that it is not thanksgiving, it is powerless. I throw a Black Friday Deal Sword at him instead.
Well, needless to say the front lawn of @NOTaHFfan’s house had seen better days.
A headless-hoodiless horsema-we mean woman and a now amputated metallic wolf man bleed dry all over the grass trying to explain the finer points of weapon naming. And a Gresh lookalike with the build of an ape paces around with a sword with a low-low price decorating their face. Standing back from this a midget with a face sculpted by the great beings themselves and a slender man assess their next moves.
Such matters however are a trifle to those residing in the McGick family mansion, as the Prime of Spiders had discovered. Barring the Rabid Kamen Rider fans at the door, the opportunity to sit back, enjoy root beer and watch zany characters fight to the death was one to not be passed up.
Enter ‘me’ (I guess)
An antenna festooned elephant of an aircraft swoops in shaving the gratuitous spires of the mansion, performing an illegal U-Turn to face it’s target, Mr @Ghid McGick. Underneath is slung greebled shapes.
“Let slip the dogs of war!”
I attack Ghid with mechanical hounds!
All that work for just that! A lot right? Then again maybe I have an orbital weapon or two up my sleeve?
I don’t know what this might be but I want to watch it
the weebs can keep kamen rider, I’ll have all 48 seasons of Rabid Karen Rider
Lazily I empty my can of mechanical hound-b-gone I keep just for such an occasion. I then use my position as district attorney to write up a complaint for trespass against @Axelford, but since I’m not at my office and am instead lounging on my front lawn, I can’t actually go file it. Bummer.
I run
I trip @Seuss using the sword lodged in my forehead, sending them flying into @Senit’s basement, where the rabid ferrets proceed to have a snack.
where is me in this scenario
Angered that @AXelFord has forgotten me, I throw a lewa sword at him.
In the spirit of the holidays, I bury @Rukah under a mountain of coal for constantly turning us into pincushions.
I build I giant christmas tree drill made out of lewa swords, and tunnel out of the mountain of coal!
I throw a rock at @Brickbot99. Wait, it’s a piece of coal, not a rock.
I attack @rukah with the most powerful weapon of all…Topic revival.
Ouch! I am wounded, so I throw a storm of lewa swords at @Alucia while I limp away.
Using the power of stupidity, I grab @Rukah and throw them off a clip into a herd of wild Voporak’s, aging Rukah an uncountable number of years.
I return with a mighty blast of vegetables against @Brickbot99 !
Using the allmighty power of Fruit Ninja, I slice at Heyzork’s PUMPKIN HEAD!!!