I unleash my Non-Pumpkin fury. It is very angry and pain-y.
I tear Zorks’ pumpkin head apart, steal the seeds, and then eat the seeds.
I poison you with my seeds. @cordax is now a Zork Zombie.
I collapse into a mass of lewa swords which soon disintegrate into nothing. However, I reincarnate as a lewa sword. Given my unique method of death, I can move. I start flying towards @Enbeanie
I attack @Rukah using ghids weeb-destroying tie!
The power of Ghid’s tie knocks me into the ground. I get mad and start flying right for @MakutaOisli !
I use every single insigation used by @Eljay and make it into a single beam of energy going towards @Rukah !
You got me there. I die, but reincarnate as a lewa sword. I hope that somebody like @Senit or @Enbeanie will continue the battle.
After about two months of being home I realize that it actually is really boring, so I decide to go back, to what seems to be just the outside of it (based on @Brickbot99 throwing @Seuss into my basement)(where Seuss still is).
I use some new unexplained ability, unlocked by the power of the author and plot armor to transform @Rukah back into, well Rukah. After doing that I revert back into my eternal slumber.
where Seuss still is
let me out plz its cold down here
I then throw two lewa swords at @Seuss!
I rust rukah’s swords with my blood
I arrive
I wake up and send @anon61908668 back home. Well I try to at least, but that isn’t part of my power set. So instead I use the Door knob as a weapon and throw it at @anon61908668.
I use my alternate power to show a future where @Senit is devovled from a toa into a matoran and is berated by vahki!Thus making them go insane!
Well that was already the case, so the attack is countered by a random Olisi in my suva.
But wait… I don’t have one, so where did it come from?
No! My swords are rusted!
Somehow the dab unrusts them!
I throw a storm of lewa swords at @Seuss
I give @Rukah a hammer to beat @MakutaOisli in the head.