Battle with the members above you!

Hooray! I am free! But also exploded. Fortunately, I just reform my fragments back into my lewa-sword-amalgamation body.

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I watch as Wekua posts documents containing my personal info, chuckling as I change the contents of said documents to pictures of jeff bezos with a skullet


I do not in any way consider this a loss

I instead smash an Akaku with a hammer


I quickly escape in a cyclone of air katanas before someone recognizes me or something.

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I call the police and sic them on Rukah


Oh no!!! I throw storms of lewa swords at the police to keep them away!

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the hammer springs to life and gains four glowing eyes


I attempt to log the sentient hammer in my Hammer Emporium Topic but it escapes. I’m not gonna deal with that right now, mostly out of aimless defiance, and instead I forge all of Rukah’s Lewa swords into large decorative spoons. A small army of boomer women sense the sudden existence of the spoons and stampede toward Rukah’s location.


Oh no!!! I throw storms of lewa swords at the army of boomer women to keep them away!

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The boomer women fuse together into a giant fleshtoned Malum wearing hair curlers! The beast screams “let me put on my cheaters!” As it smashes Rukah into the cold earth!


Yoikes! I am crushed into the ground, but quickly shoot 10,000 air katanas at the

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hopefully being attacked by a conglomerate of a stereotypical age group will clear rukah from any further charges


The beast dissolves. The women return to the societal roles they have assigned themselves. I am still waiting in the truck


I turn invisible using my wrist gauntlet and rip out @Ghid spine.

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I flick a dime at @MakutaOisli’s knuckles until he gives up

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Unfortunately for @Wekua , i never give up! I take his spine too!

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As a spineless dime-flicker, I can no longer actuate the pedals in my truck. I lay on the horn!

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not my s spine! thankfully my normal one is still in place.

climbing into wekua’s truck, I pull his limp body off the horn and commit grand theft auto.


I take advantage of a minor narrative gap and fall into the passenger seat rather than outside of the truck. I passive aggressively comment on Ghid’s driving habits the entire time. I point out every cow and 7Eleven we pass.

Oops! My door is slightly ajar. I open it while Ghid is driving in order to reseat it, but It unintentionally clips @Heyzork’s head as we pass by.


Meanwhile, I am still crushed in the ground after the attack of the

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