Best Science Fiction Movies Of All TIme

I love the Message Boards, but we need more variety here. So, in honor of my favorite genre, I have started a topic for discussion of the best sci-fi movies of all time. Now, for some education…

  • As stated by many science fiction experts, there is no one definition of science fiction.
  • There are many sub-genres of science fiction, therefore, all science fiction movies (including Star Wars, known as science fantasy) can be talked about.
    Now lets get talking people!

My favorite would have to be Jonah, a Veggietales Movie.

What’s that? You don’t consider it to be Science Fiction? Well, it features sentient and mobile produce moving around, wearing clothes, and generally doing things humans would do. Said produce nearly hit porcupines while driving at the beginning of the movie, indicating that it takes place in our world. Just think about that for a moment. Does this mean that the vegetables are actually humans? That the vegetables have mutated and become human-like? The world may never know…

As if that wasn’t mind-blowing enough, a Biblical story is the focal point in this story. In this tale, the protagonist, Jonah, disobeys orders, gets eaten by a giant beast, and ultimately fails in his task. Many other great Sci-Fi movies share many of those attributes, so why should this movie be counted as any different?

Jonah, a Veggietales Movie, BEST SCI-FI MOVIE EVER.


District 9 and Halo Legends: The Prototype are my favorites.

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Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.

Nothing can beat this film. It has action, romance, drama, and the ultimate plot twist nobody knew was coming! Plus, it’s become part of our culture now.


As for “best” (as opposed to “favorite”), personally, I think I’d have to go with Blade Runner. It’s a beautiful meditation on the human condition that’s very much open to interpretation–which is perfect, because everyone has a different idea about hat the human condition is. It’s also very culturally relevant–it redefined the nature of dystopias in movies. Before this movie came out, dystopias were almost always societies that seemed perfect and organized on the surface, but were actually corrupt. In Blade Runner, the society presented exists because society fell apart–not because it was too tightly controlled. This has become the prevalent way to portray dystopias ever since the movie came out. Lastly, it has an amazingly cool “future noir” style in the visuals and dialogue that’s also spawned imitators.


Oh my gosh yes

yes Slime

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@TrenKrom, your avatar is from the best film.

Paprika, Ghost in the Shell, Redline, WALL•E, Iron Sky and Total Recall are great, too.


Man… this is a really hard choice.

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Yes, I love 2001. First movie to use decent special effects.

@Political_Slime I will be willing to accept your choice if you tell me one thing; what is the science fiction element of your movie? Star Wars has spaceships, things that can exist in the future. Your choice is awesome anyway.

Edited for Double Post. Please refrain from double posting again.

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Inception and Interstellar are my two favorites, though I’ll also admit I haven’t seen as many sci-fi films in general as I’d like to. District 9 and Wall-E were also very good, though I regrettably have yet to see The Matrix, Blade Runner, or Total Recall. (I’ve heard I want to go with the original rather than the remake?)

Distopian future maybe?

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I have several

Pacific Rim: Though there was a little to much exposition, it was a remotely engaging sci fi flick that really captured the atmosphere of monster and robot films. The characters are genuine, and I really like the relationship between Mako and Raleigh, considering that both lost someone special. The acting was good, though some parts were delivered a little humorously (such as Raleighs speech at the beginning. I dunno, something about it just sounded weird). But what sucks is that HOW DARE YOU HAVE CHERNO ALPHA, THE BEST JAEGER IN THE FILM, DIE!

Godzilla (2014): Though I’m not a fan of Godzilla, for the first time seeing one of his films, I was impressed. The story was rather lacking, though it made up for that in the amount of action and suspense delivered throughout the movie. Granted, some people didn’t like how Godzilla was barely in it, though I thought it was fine, letting the action take a backseat to build up some of the other characters and get to know them more. Perhaps my favorite scene though was when Godzilla yanked the MUTO’s mouth open and sents radioactive brouhaha down his throat, ultimately killing it,

2001 A Space Odyssey: For a 1968 film, I was generally impressed. This film is an absolutely dazzling piece of art, that definitely revolutionizes the sci fi genre with its poetic, genuine nature on the overall ingenuity of mankind. Granted someone of a modern audience may find it rather boring with the lack of speaking and anything one today would consider appealing in a modern film, though for someone who enjoys the art of film it is a definite journey of stunning visuals and a very soothing nature.

WALL-E: Much like A Space Odyssey, this film is another dazzling piece of art. Granted some things do fall flat such as the lack of subtlety with its message which is rather in your face, as opposed to being in the background for the audience to decipher. Also the second half of the movie with the Axiom wasn’t anything to imaginative and was just a generic sci-fi setting, but the rest of the film is great. The relationship of WALL-E and EVE is wonderful, and you almost feel sorry for WALL-E considering he is all alone on earth with nobody there to keep him company (except a Cockroach). I also really like the scene where WALL-E is exploring space on board EVE’s ship, as it does some nice work showing us the breath taking animation and overall size of space.


The Bionicle Trilogy


How did I forget Fifth Element?!

That’s legit, I guess. :smile:

Hmm… This is a tough one! Some of my favorites are Men in Black, the Matrix, and the obligatory Star Wars/Trek, etc. I haven’t seen (but want to see) some “harder-core”/more serious/layered/philosophical ones like Blade Runner, THX-1138, and 12 Monkeys.


First Contact

A good candidate for “Best Sci-Fi Movie Ever” (that no one has mentioned yet) is the 1954 Disney film, 20,00 Leagues Under the Sea. It had a great story (thanks primarily to Jules Verne), great casting, great music, and great special effects (specifically the Giant Squid).

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Treasure Planet.


I, unfortunately, have never seen 2001: A Space Odyssey :frowning:

A few of my favorites are The War of the Worlds (from the 50’s), Planet of the Apes (with Charlton Heston), The Day the Earth Stood Still (the black and white one), Soylent Green (this counts, right?), Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, and the Star Wars original Trilogy.

I should make a top ten of these and post them on my channel :stuck_out_tongue: