buying Roodaka.
that set caused a lot of strange looks to be thrown at me back in the day.
I was obsessed with Hydraxon for some reason so I named the moc “Dekar”
My greatest regret is not telling my dad to get Takua and Pewku for my brother’s birthday. He also liked it and it was going for 70$ on ebay. Brand New, Sealed. But I didnt ask and 1 day later, it was sold.
Never regret someone else’s failure
I regret not buying Gali Mistika back when she was only $20 on Amazon… if only I had a time machine…
Staying there instead of letting go as a child
ye that kinda goes for everyone on here…
I regret not being born when it was sold in stores.
DuneToa is six years old? Or do you mean G1
G1. If I was six, why would I know how to create an account or use proper English?
ye…who could imagine a six year old here…
I mean I did
I concur
(some) six year olds are smarter than you might think
No I was still stupid just very crafty
same here to be honest -i remember jumpin gout of a tree to see if those sycamore helicopter seeds could make you fly (they did not)
Saying no thank you to may mom when she asked if I wanted the Power Pack
also Welcome!
Seeing the 2016 Bionicle sets and not buying any of the Toa.
Having zero interest in Bionicle G2 or Hero Factory while they still existed, despite being in the target demographic at the time. Though then again it’s not really a regret, I just had different interests back then and I’m not blaming my past self for anything.
Being so mad about its original cancellation that I didn’t bother collecting Stars until a friend gifted me Gresh for Christmas when sets were already getting removed from shelves in replacement for HF