The skull bad spider man or whatever his name is may be collecting kanohi and turning them into a spider army that he will most likely control. The spiders will have the powers of their certain mask that makes them up. The gold one that comes in the spider leader set is probably an important or very powerful mask that he wants to control and turn into a spider hence the connector rods on the sides. But these are just speculations.
What’s the link?
It was one of the leaked pictures that couldn’t be shown but it had to be removed
It seems like the new sets have some type of theme or look like actual people/things. Pohatu’s weapons do look like boomerangs, onua looks a bit samurai-ish(would have been cooler if he had a blade or two), I wonder if other people see different things on each set.
Hello, Logan here, the dude who bought the pic of the SDCC boxes and the second display pic to Tumblr! Glad to have my butt firmly wedged in my seat on thE HYPE TRAIN
Sadly SDCC was not the revival Bionicle.
~We can only wait for NYCC
yeah, but we’ll probably get the set pictures before then
Wait, no, that doesn’t prove it. there are Ninjago graphic novels that come out. that’s probably what he’s talking about. Greg’s not stupid enough (he’s not stupid at all) to say that and mean Bionicle.
We all have our own opinions some times it’s better if keep it to ourselves. You can’t com pare bionicle to marvel heroes being 2 different things .
I’m just saying don’t start arguing with others this is a bionicle 2015 discussion not a why bionicle is better then any other series topic. If you want to talk about that start a new discussion/topic please.
Bionicle will be cancelled within a year to make room for Galidor 2
Just realized the strangest thing. Pohatu has a mask of speed. He also now has boomerangs. Who else is fast and has boomerangs?
Pohatu is Quick Man in an unannounced Mega Man 2 Remake confirmed.
Now who are the other seven Robot Masters…
Hi everyone! Just wanted to do a quick post to remind everyone just to try stay on topic. There’s no need to discuss dislike of other franchises in this topic about BIONICLE’s potential return. If you’d like to, feel free to make a topic about comparing and contrasting BIONICLE to other themes! Thanks.
In regards to the golden mask Tahu is reaching out for, it does match the description of the mask of creation.
And if this is a reboot of Bionicle, which IMO would be the best route for LEGO to take, then at the very least they’d want to make a new story with old elements to keep old fans interested and not bore them with a retelling. Hence the new mask.
Hopefully this reboot can explore different plots and things, like Lhikan’s days as a matoran and his transformation into a Toa
I think the mask in the picture is probably the Mask of Creation, and might have something to do with the story.
You, sir, are the Toa of Trolls xD
No, that would be -REDACTED-, who is officially both the first and second troll on the forums and to be banned.
But back on topic.
When do you think the next information will drop about Bionicle 2015?
I think we may get another picture leak in August/September if we’re luck, but most likely we’ll get LEGO confirmation around October, so it may be a while
I, for one, enjoyed orange Pohatu. But brown is good.