BIONICLE 2015 Discussion Topic

@Barkel which makes absolutely no sense since they could have just made the top half the mystery part no one knows about.

@Rochho Nah man. My 50 year old parents even use that term. That term that was invented decades ago, get with the times. :wink:

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does anyone here own the activity book for 2015? if so could they tell me whats in it, I was thinking about getting it but I cant find any reference o whats inside other then the gold protector mask


He is not just any teen

He is the Master of Edginess.

Indeed. I understand it’s a placeholder, but they could have easily just put a veil or a ball of light instead. It would have been ambiguous instead of just plain confusing.

RoSS info in detail from a 4chan anon

[spoiler] >Vizuna watches Toa beat LoSS, then meets up with the other protectors

They decide they are going to go into the city and help the Toa since dangerous monsters may exist inside the city

Onua breaks the bridge with his giant earthquake

Vizuna points out a second, unofficial bridge made by his archaeologist friend Harvali a year or so ago

They go across that and then end up blowing it up to prevent the skull spiders from chasing them.
Skull spiders find the unconscious body of LoSS and take him back to their lair (some big cave around the old city’s reservoir) to let him recover

Protectors walk around the caves beneath the city, Korgot helping with her drill, discover a few ruins that go over some lore stuff about Ekimu

Suddenly they meat Harvali who has been living underground for over a year after trapping herself in there

They are attacked by a giant snake (8 times the size of a protector) controlled by a skull spider, but they beat it and it befriends Nilkuu

they all ride the Snake to LoSS’s lair in order to make sure he is defeated

find LoSS healing in a cocoon surrounded by over a thousand skull spiders

blast open a hole letting tons of water in flooding out a lot of spiders while LoSS starts to wake up

They start riding the snake around the cave blasting everything with their weapons causing the ceiling to collapse, crushing the remaining Skull Spiders and Loss

Go to surface and learn Ekimu has risen and that their is a big battle happening at the once-sealed forge of the mask makers

arrive to see the Toa and Skull Grinder unconscious while Ekimu is reforging their masks, Harvali faints in excitement

They drag the unconscious Skull Grinder and Skull Basher into vaults, saying that they wont be able to be a threat anymore without their masks

Ekimu tells them that evil is still out there and that evil is still out there and then they
get the villagers to return to the city after thousands of years.

Additional info
During the “Festival of Masks” the Ekimu sights the legendary creatures, and takes their appearance as an omen. In response, he puts on the mask of time and uses it to see into the future and see the great cataclysm that destroyed / changed the islands geography and created the six regions, and knowing this event would come to pass he talks the protectors about how they will need to summon the six Toa and what have you.[/spoiler]

I know we got some of this information before, but this ties things up nicely.


Or they could have just redone this in the art style, the artist needed to have communicated with LEGO and Windham far more.


Can someone message me privately the link from where they got all this sweet graphic novel images?

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Eljay you know thats not what I said or requested.


Ay man, I’m just trying to make sure Lego gets the funds to make more of these awesome graphic novels. =P


If they sold their books in actual book stores world wide, then I would 100% buy it (its the same as like with the sets). I am unable to buy things through internet where I live.

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Hm, to be honest, I actually don’t know if they’d stock these in book stores. Do you have any chain book stores, like Barnes and Noble? They might stock it. If not, would any local libraries order these for you?

None of those, but maybe, just maybe Vulkan has it. I saw it sell some Lego books, i just dont see a lot of LEGO related comics, or comics in general. Its really hard to find any LEGO related books where I live, which is why I never read the novels or comics physically.

The bottom half belongs in G1 (hence its mystery). The upper half is in G2. When those two halves reunite, the two timelines will be reconnected. That’s what I believe at least

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Aka, uniting the fans of two generations.


I don’t know about anybody else but my library ordered it. Checking your local library’s online page and ordering it might be an option for those who don’t want to buy.

In that case, I can understand. Far as I know, the images are from 4chan and they’ve mostly been posted here. Good luck in your search!

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I just thought about the same thing! Make it happen Lego make it happen!

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I always imagined G2 and G1 ending like this (in a beautiful symphony of united continuity):

Simon- Takua/Takanuva
Nia- Fem Artakha (or at least a girl that wears the Mask of Creation)
Kamina- Tahu
Yoko- Gali
Lordgenom- Makuta
Anti Spiral- Mask of Ultimate Power
Boota- Puku
Dayakka- Onua
Viral- Skull Slicer
Rossiu- Narmoto Son/Jaller
Kittan- Kopaka
Gimmy- Hewki
Darry- Maku
Adiane- Roodaka
Leeron- Lewa
Kinon- Some Villager of Earth
Kiyal- Some Villager of Earth
Kiyoh- Korgot
Makken- Pohatu

nobody talking about the poly-bag?

we have, many posts ago.

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