So now that the 2016 winter wave’s been out for a little while, I feel like it’s time to sit down and compare the main gear functions from last year to what we’ve gotten this year.
For my comparison, I’m not going to discus outliers like, say, Skull Basher or Skull Scorpio, and I’m mainly referring to the 2016’s system, not the more varied functions the Creatures are running around with.
Though, for the record, most of them are pretty decent.
Except Ketar.
He can burn in the depths of Karzahnii like the abomination he is.
Anyways, back to the comparison.
Bullet points.
Let’s keep this simple.
- Reboots an old function with a new piece
- Can easily be attached to the standard CCBS torso piece
- Allows functionality as well as poseability through the friction gears
- Facilitates MOCists ability to add gear functions to MOCs
- Grey makes it color-neutral
- Adds a layer of complexity to CCBS sets that was rarely ever seen before
##Cons - Sluggish due to the friction gears, especially when compared to the Mata and Metru torsos’ depictions of the function
- Makes models back-heavy and prone to falling over if not carefully posed
- Not particularly compliant with heavy weapons and long limbs, making flopping arms and clanging against the legs quite common
- Leaves the top pair of ball-joints on the CCBS torso piece awkwardly exposed and difficult to armor without getting in the way of the gear function
- Incompatible with two-handed weaponry
- Also reboots an old function with a new piece
- Centralized into the torso
- Introduces an entirely new torso piece that remains compatible with CCBS
- Lower piece count
- Sluggishness is more at home with its respective joint (waists are typically not expected to move as fast as arms)
- Angle of motion lend itself to causing less flopping arms
- Creates a function as well as providing a new area of articulation never seen in a CCBS set before…or most constraction sets, for that matter.
- Limited gear teeth prevent the waist from turning to unnatural, unrealstic angles
- Compatible with two-handed weaponry
- Also general enough for MOCing
- Squeaky as hell
- A bit awkward in use with one-handed weapons
- Gripping while staying out of the way of the function can also be awkward
As you can probably tell, I prefer the new 2016 system.
So what do you prefer?
Got any to pros to add?
Got any cons I missed?
Feel free to make your points clear below.
And make sure to keep all conversations civil.
Don’t wanting anyone angrily arguing over plastic gears from children’s toys.
'Cuz, y’know, that’d be stupid.
Anyways, talk away.