BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Umarak’s mask power is making up for the gappy legs and weird shoulders.

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Kopaka’s crystal armor, since it melds from light-blue to gold, makes a odd green between the two accents… now I see you guys who hated the golden knees on him.

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I just hate it because Kopaka is a Toa of Ice, which is cold. Gold is a warm colour, so it really doesn’t work with the element. That and it’s just on the knees.

@Triple Oh, don’t get me wrong. The 2016 sets are pretty incoherent texture wise. I’m just saying that I fear LEGO will take all of the criticism, but move in the wrong direction. Rather than having detailed sets that are also coherent, they’ll just move strictly back to a sparsely detailed aesthetic.

Maybe I’m not giving LEGO enough credit. Perhaps they also look at fan opinions. I don’t know. I’m just paranoid they’ll take all of this the wrong way. They got a lot of backlash last year, and now they get the same this year. It has to be pretty detrimental to their overall mood and view towards the community.


Looking at this, the Toa look more like a team than 2015. Even all the Unity modes aren’t that bad. And every color is outstanding too! Man, this gets me reaaaally hyped!


@Nopasino Everyone else gets extra armoring or a feature from their creature besides Pohatu. Pohatu just gets a backpack that isn’t against cutting his shoulders off while getting too excited and flailing its arms. XD

At least Pohatu can wag his tail like a dog to show that he’s happy. :smile:
Good doggy!

That ruins the whole boot look. Why would you take away Pohatu’s awesome metal boot look that he carries over from 2015? No. Just no. Don’t touch my Pohatu. Ever. :stuck_out_tongue:


They should work for a different colour/shape feet for Pohatu, really. Not only makes sense for POHATU, but it’s a needed improvement for the silver he has. People complain about Lewa’s silver, but Pohatu’s is worse because it’s not distributed well. I’d suggest to change the 2 silver vorox pieces on the shoulders with the Ketar’s one. The problem is that he has only one, so unless you buy 2 this is not gonna work.

@Tarvaax not a big fan then

So if you put a totally standard foot piece, and you put a ccbs shell on the lower leg and you half-cover it you make metal boots? Nice, Ekimu should add this to his crafting list.

It would have been a problem if they were not.

HOW? WHERE? And that was kinda what I meant. Making a new foot mold to resemble his old style. Can’t really see never how the metal boot can call back it but OKAY

I’m not saying it’s bad, but how can be better.

@Axelon Apparently the LEGO designers have more imagination than us, which of course is why they’re the designers, and we aren’t. I always thought that it was common knowledge that his lower legs were always meant to look like boots as a call back to his kicking style of fighting in G1. :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember everyone liking that about him on BZPower.

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I hate how people like stuff “because it resembles the old stuff”

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So, if Bionicle G2 was a completely different thing with nothing about Bionicle you would have liked it anyway?

Yeah sure, but it’s not BIONICLE then. It would be like, making profit only cause of the name the line has.


if everything was good designed yes

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@Darknova3529 Soooo… You’re saying it’s wrong to like Pohatu’s boot aesthetic because he used to have a kicking function? I thought it was rather creative than just giving him kickers. It was like “Yeah, he can still kick, and kick hard, but he also uses boomarangs sooo, he can fight with ranged weapons and fight in close quarters without having these weird obnoxious things on his feet”

Cool man. Coooool. I didn’t know who you were talking to. I had my fists up, and I was ready for a bar fight man. Poised to strike. Ready to let the fists of fury fly. XD

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All I was saying is that people say I like this because it used to be like this way too often, people need to be able to accept change. The old stuff will never change so there is no reason to not like it anymore now. however it’s time to move on from that.

@Darknova3529 I’ll agree with you there. It’s fine to look back and compare things, but when you look back at something and get upset because the new isn’t like the old, it’s a bit upsetting. I mean, a lot of people are doing that with 2015 sets, and I think they just need to let it go and wait until they have the sets in hand. Yes they have problems, but acting like the 2015 sets didn’t have problems just isn’t right.

Most of it seems to be from everyone having that “BIONICLE CAME BACK” ecstasy, which might be why everyone holds winter 2015 as this god-tier wave. They were good sets, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think that they’re as good as everyone is making them out to be.

Ooooooohhhh. That’s gotta sting like a scorpio. Your tongue is a sharp one :wink:


Here’s to hoping when his shoulders get chopped off, he’ll make himself better shoulders. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I don’t think you need to worry about that…LEGO seems to have a pretty good grasp on handling the reactions of the fanbase. I think this year and next year are “experiments” of a sort–attempts to see which style appeals more to the consumers/fans. LEGO will probably gauge our general reactions to see what works and what doesn’t, and then find a compromise that pleases everyone.

I for one am not too displeased with the aesthetic of the new pieces. I can see how they don’t appeal to some, as they are little overenthusiastic with the pistons (the chestplate is a little messy) but overall I feel that they’re no more complex than any G1 piece we got between 2006-2010. It’s the fusion of that aesthetic with CCBS that can yield problems, but I generally think 2016 does a satisfactory job with the mixture.

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I think Lego is at a bit of a crossroads. 2015 was so great, now rather then follow the beaten path, they have to blaze a new trail. and well, that seems to be getting mixed responses. But by the time the sets are out for a few months, everyone will love them. it is just a fact of the fandom.


That tail is so poorly designed.



I find it very ironic that Pohatu’s elemental creature is a scorpion, since he hates Scorpios.