BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

We have an official contest topic. If you would like to discuss it, please go there.


To clarify, does that mean we can’t discuss the contest here?

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Built the JTO Makuta… or at least my version of him (Currenltly doesn’t have the waist detail and would need to work on the arms)

For scale purposes he’s about two Bionicle heads taller than Umarak the Destroyer and Toa Ekimu’s crown spikes reach to the Shadow Trap belt on his stomach.


Great!!!…what’s it called?

Look in the upper right hand corner of your screen, right next to your avatar. You should see a magnifying glass there. It’s a search function. We encourage people to use it.


There you go pal.

Does anyone else think that Bionicle will release building instructions for the JTO Makuta? Its basically a combo model.


More than likely. I don’t think they’d show Makuta on-screen without giving us fans a way to build him ourselves.

Then again, we never got instructions directly from LEGO for Umarak’s Shadow Spawn,


What is going on with Toys R Us


Ooof that looks bad…

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Good evening guys, I bring some (probably) breaking news here. A friend of mine gave me a what appears to be 2017 leak, saying “Man, see what I found here!” I know I’m not allowed to post it here, and I’m not the kind of person who tell lies, so I DON’T KNOW if this leak is real or fake. I will just describe it. There’s the Bionicle Logo which we know in 2015 have been with light blue accents then in 2016 with lime green accents. This one looks to have both, it’s a bit confusing. While behind the logo there’s a purple fading. And then the best part : the Gold MoUP surrounded by a different shade of purple. What is strange is that under this logo there are 2016 sets… which makes me think that this is not a 2017 leak but a 2016 one. There’s no watermark on it but as long as I don’t have the permission to post it I will not.

Oh, I see. It’s well done tho. I was expecting a leak season soon :frowning:

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We’ve seen it. It’s fake. Or at least according to var…[quote=“Axelon, post:29779, topic:15529”]
Oh, I see. It’s well done tho. I was expecting a leak season soon :frowning:
Well it usually starts around August so we’re close


Its fake, literally 3 other people have posted it here in the past hour, its fake some one changed the color of the 2016 logo and put a bad rendering of a MOUP on the top. They didnt even bother to crop out the sets.

It shouldnt even look like the 2016 logo either. 2015 had the mask of creation with blue swirls around it with blue energy short off course through the stone back ground, and 2016 showed the mask of control blasting through the back ground stone with green energy, I doubt they would use the same design twice.


Boards How-To with Eljay

Where even is the video for this contest?

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Lego’s video section on their website

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Unsure if this counts as 2016 or 2017 discussion, so going to post it in both for the time being and it can be removed if it doesn’t count as one or the other.

Apparently an Italian Lego Catalogue has recently appeared. Given this has been reported by TheBrickFan they normally have something to back-up the source even if they are not sharing images of the catalogue. So while its likely legitimate, best to take with salt for now.

The reports of which mention several things such as Lego Power Rangers, PoTC and Cars 3. While i have not seen anyone reporting on Bionicle’s inclusion or non-inclusion in this catalogue, it would stand to reason that we could end up having confirmation of Bionicle’s potential continuation fairly soon. I’d guess at this rate we could expect something to pop up in a week or so…

###Edit; Use who leaked these has revealed they were fakes.


Waits for the mini scorpion to come to Sweden…

I mean, the Ninjago and Chima once came to Sweden, surely this one will too?

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Normally its around late August/September. For now i think its best just waiting on JTO as that will reveal a lot about the story and potentially give us an idea of what version of Makuta we may end up getting if we get him in set form.

Sorry, didn’t get notified of this. Feel you may have went into a long tangent about things with the rest of your post so just going to explain the problems the competitions have and the effect it has on the community as a result

Here are some of the facts about G2’s competitions;

  • The Prizes themselves don’t really get shown off much, things like the golden masks for example just get given away and then never seen again

  • All the competitions are targeted at younger fans or new fans of G2

  • Each competition the rules have either been unclear or changed during the event to fit with Lego’s decisions

  • Several times the winning entry has included something which was not allowed in the rules such as someone winning twice, non-released pieces, illegal building techniques and on occasions painted parts (Before they changed the rules to allow those)

  • All the MOC contests main prizes and side prizes have been won by adults outside of the target age range

  • The photo contest is the only time where younger fans have won

  • Some contests have selected the same person multiple times going against their own rules

  • In one of the contests the selected winner was a ‘competition entering bot’ on twitter, it is unclear if they received the prize however the prize was not re-awarded and it was clearly not owned by a real person.

Lets examine some of the problems created by this;

  • Younger fans have not won a single MOC or been a runner up in the contests. This leads them to be less enthusiastic to enter in future and gives the impression of a bias in the Lego group. The idea that you will only win if you have a massive amount to spend. This could be fixed by either bringing back age ranges for competitions or simply ensuring that we don’t get a trend of adults being the only winners.

  • The contests need a better supervisor as rules and other problems with how it is run and how the winners are selected is making the whole process less enjoyable for people. The situation where a ‘contest entering bot’ won the contest is an example of where the contest judges have not checked to ensure the person is eligible to enter the contest or even that the entrant is actually a person.

  • Ideally Lego needs to show off the prizes more, if they are going to be given away then it would be nice to see more shots of them. While granted its understandable not to show off the art book, it would have been nice seeing the toa wearing their golden masks… something which is unlikely to happen now.


To me it just seems that the way the contests are run at the moment is just angering or annoying fans more than actually encouraging them to like or enjoy the theme. People are actually voicing their intention not to enter this contest simply because they don’t think they stand a chance… not due to the other entrants having more money or more pieces, but because Lego seems to be only choosing those sorts of MOC’s - which in turn has meant only adults have won the MOC contests… so the target audience feels neglected making the community less active as they are not going to be as hyped by contests.

That’s the way i view it anyway ><

Didn’t see that before, but now i do - that’s pretty epic xD

Possibly? It might be best asking in a store and seeing if they have any news about stocking it.

If it doesn’t come to Sweden by October (When issue 2 is out) feel free to PM me and I’ll send you the first issue.


Well, I don’t know if it’s still on-topic to talk about the actual Makuta building here, but I’ve finished the upper legs. Gonna have to do some proportion work and order about a hundred black balljoints before I continue, though.


Dude, are you ever going to post you’re Makuta? I really want to see it man!

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I might post a WIP of what I’ve got so far if there’s a solid place for me to post it related to the contest (if someone makes a thread for all Makuta Contest WIPs). Otherwise, I will post it after I’ve gotten it done and entered it in the contest.