BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

He might have been a Creature-like being and then transformed into a humanoid to be able to Unify and read the Creature’s minds. Because as far as we know, the Creatures aren’t a hive mind.

i imagine uxar leads a hive mind and or is a Bahraag like entity among those hive minds.

just a thought

Being a spirit of the Jungle, I would assume that he would be able to control/influence the Jungle in its entirety and perhaps to some extent, the wildlife.


Well, being a hunter, he would have to adapt to better hunt his prey.

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Go to Bionicle’s LEGO Shop Page.

I found this.

WWOOOOOOWW! All the sets are retail price except for STONE, which is already on clearance. Stone must be selling poorly, there’s an overflow, or LEGO just hates these sets (Probably #1 and/or #2) Hey, I can’t blame them for hating Ketar. This is also good for me, because I haven’t purchased 2016 Pohatu yet.


I think that instead of ‘the Creature of Stone’, Ketar’s title should be ‘the Unloved.’ I really feel sorry for the poor guy because he is hated so much.


I don’t get all the hate, he’s not that bad. At least his legs can move coughskullscorpiocough


Even though I really like Ketar I can completely understand why people hate him. Mess of a color scheme, sloppy function.

Even though I don’t mind objectively he leaves much to be desired


I know Skull Scorpio didn’t have leg movement, but Ketar can’t even more his head with the joint he was given, and the lower tail joint doesn’t work much at all. Personally, I think Skull Scorpio looked more presentable. The function worked, and the color scheme was distributed much better. Even the look of the function worked better with me.

If you MOD Ketar, though, he’s actually really nice.

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People don’t like ketar


I actually went to my local Target a couple of weeks ago. Their selection was pretty average. A couple of Tahus and Onuas, a Kopaka/Melum, a few Akidas, and even some Skull Scorpios and MMvSGs.

Then there was Ketar…

They had, like, twelve of him. I was astonished! Either he’s really well-liked, hence their overstocking, or he’s universally hated, and none have sold. Either way, I was amazed…


Good, now I can buy crap for less than the retail cost.

Well Pohatu isn’t that bad, although I still really hate Ketar.


I saw that too. I’m glad that they are on clearance online because I don’t have Pohatu yet.

It’s strange though cos people put him as 3,4,4. I think people take the middle ground, they don’t hate him but on the other hand they don’t like him enough to recommend him either


@Apophyx really, I’d say it was sales, it’s like transformers (movies). No matter how bad it is and people bash it, if it sells it will continue to be made. Ketar is similar, though he benefits from being part of Bionicle which has overall positive reception. Another example is hero factory, all I saw was people hating it yet it lasted 5 years!!! More than the initial run (3 years) for a theme


you know it’s not like they could have made pohatu good by silmple changing some of the colors on him
Their prices are still the same here -_-

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Yes I know I posted parts of this post in the 2017 topic.

I think the reason the island is all messed up on the Summer 2016 box art is because changing Umarak into something he’s not so it upset the balance - BIG TIME. If you remember, the Creatures and Umarak have existed since the beginning of Okoto, The Toa realize they can not kill/do something else to Umarak without upsetting the balance even more. I just can’t imagine why the island would be like that. And how do the beasts come into play? I realize now that there’s still so much stuff we don’t know.


I know this is what I replied with before but it applies here as well IMO.
I think that Makuta has imbued him with so much power that he is destroying the island. I think it’s more likely it’s the beasts that are upsetting the balance

When Lego makes a set that has a ton of trans green and black, with a smattering of trans orange, and calls it a stone set, I don’t consider that a well-distributed color scheme. Personally, I welcome the colors of the 2016 stone sets; less ttransparent colors and more shades of orange and brown.

By the way, I bought Uniter Pohatu. He is definitely average; a shelf-warmer by any means in my book. All of the creatures, however, are amazing.