Hmm…I wonder why it’s not starting, but hey, we survived a day waiting for this, I’m sure we can wait a few more minutes… we cant
Yup it started!
Hmm…I wonder why it’s not starting, but hey, we survived a day waiting for this, I’m sure we can wait a few more minutes… we cant
Yup it started!
Should be live now.
Aw Pohatu looks awesome…so does Gali…shyesss AND Kopaka is boss…■■■■■■…need clearer reviews
Ugh, that guy with Gali and Akida is sooooo sarcastically negative. Really? You’re going to nitpick on the stand? The stand is good for posing and displaying man. <.<
Edit: I also don’t agree with the general resentment of the chest piece. While it might be a bit overdetailed, It’s certainly not as bad as they make it out to be and I really don’t see why we need a new chest shell that has a customizable peck area. Chest add ons just make the build gappy and less likely to fit perfectly with a body when viewed from on top.
LOL that guy with the shadow trap on his head. Shadow traps are now my new hairclips. even though I never use em
He’s really funny. I’m actually really interested in Pohatu, I’d like to hear him talk some more for sure.
Oh, so that’s what it was.
Me too, but everyone seems to overshadow him.
Alex is really laggin there.
Umarak and Lewa look AMAZING
Umarak has to be my favorite G2 set
Maybe he will be my favorite Bionicle set
I said from the beginning he was awesome
he didn’t let me down
I am so happy
buying Umarak first chance
and Lewa
so happy
I agree. To be honest, observing Pohatu, he doesn’t look too bad. The colors don’t clash nearly as bad as they do in CG Images. #WhatARelief
I swear, Pohatu’s chest plate looks tan, despite it probably being a trick of the light mixed with the low res camera.
Also, @Atomik: Lewa’s blades don’t look half bad!
In fact, I love how he came out in the end!
I am just… so happy about these new sets!
Edit: I also am now happy with the mask of control. It looks much better in real life.
I see you guys
I see you guys
We love you.
Can we have a clearer view of Uxar? (if that isn’t too much trouble)
We can also see you lagging.
Just sort of what happens when six people across the country share a google video hangout, unfortunately. It seems like Alex is having the worst of it.
I’m now on Var’s Hate List, I really enjoy Pohatu now! I guess he’s like the Skull Creatures (except LOSS), as he’s not photogenic.
That’s pretty unfortunate. He’s got all the sets.