BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Well, the new sets are coming out on June 1st at Shop@Home for anyone who didn’t know.

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quick question for some here, in the store where i bought Uniter Lewa and Pohatu (and the same store that i will buy the summer sets when they come out) there are a few more Skull villain sets there, should i buy a few more, as in a new Sliver, Warrior and Basher so that i can build the combiner?

you all see, i have been thinking of that if i where to ever be able to display my G2 Bionicle sets, i would personaly like to have Basher and Slicer to have two Warrior guards behind them, while for Kulta, he would have to Skull combiners as his guards.

so… what do you all think?

(im planning on doing something similar for Umarak the Destroyer, minus the combiner guards, so i would probably buy multaple beasts, so i might buy two/three storm, lava and quake beasts.)


No Eljay, thats not what a Hipster makes.

Also 2 out of 3 Summer Waves have been heavily trans colour oriented…probably cause of the trans chestplates which always have such a presence in a set.


no he draws a skrall shield :stuck_out_tongue:


Ketar wasn’t as bad as people made him out to be either.


hey guys idk if this is mentioned before but i’m convinced the fact that the Beast’s “chin” is exposed and trans-yellow means it’s actually supposed to rep a tongue.


maybe making him yellow was a good idea.


Green Destroyer: Me Umarak, Strongest one there is!


25 minutes… why…

so are bzp all going to say they love these sets?


No, that’s in the sky above the volcano. :stuck_out_tongue:


Since the entire head that showed through the eyes and mouth was the same color, I thought of it more like a glow from the “corruption” energy inside :rage:, kinda like…


This is amazing.

Wait a minute, what are they than? Are they lava crystal wings, or are they slicing lava blades? Make up your mind, product descriptors.

Sounds more like an opponent for Gali.

Really sounds water-themed. Why did they choose Kopaka if this is clearly a water-themed villian? Maybe he is from arctic Okotan waters? On the box, he is in an icy landscape. Or maybe Kopaka’s more popular than Gali. Or maybe they combined both elements. I wonder.

He doesn’t have any “fists”, unless you count that claw and weird thingy on his right arm. And how does he hammer side ways? Product Descriptors, he doesn’t have more than one claw!

Nice, didn’t know the Mask of Creation was that powerful. Interesting that they state the islanders in these description, will they be featured in any story content of the Summer Wave?

Nice confirmation to the prediction of the Summer Wave’s Story.


The lava blades are like the feathers which make up the crystal wings


Lava Beast’s box art shows a fire village under attack.
If we take it by the face value and assume it’s happening from other villages too it’s pretty much an apocalypse type of scenario that would affect everyone.


Personally I’d prefer if the Toa managed to think “maybe we shouldn’t go against our own element, and go against another instead!”

That’s what they did when they first confronted Makuta in 2001. Dunno why they don’t do that now.



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like i said before, i think Ekimu will not do a similar thing like he did in 2015 against Kulta, as in taking him on solo and winning, instead i think LEGO will probably show how much more powerful Destroyer is, and also to have Ekimu do something for the Toa, as in he will distract Umarak while they try to unite again to fight Umarak (because it was not unity that defeated Kulta, the toa just slowed the guy down so Ekimu could finish him off).

What i mean is that Ekimu will most likely have the fight of his life when he faces off against Umarak.

Just imagine Ekimu pulling a Gandalf on Umarak.


Lava Beast = Fire + Jungle
Quake Beast = Earth + Stone
Storm Beast = Ice + Water

(It is a sacred law to never combine more than one element, or it would became too dangerous and strong)[quote=“DarkHenrik, post:25491, topic:15529”]
Just imagine Ekimu pulling a Gandalf on Umarak.

Ekimu the Grey becomes Ekimu the White cause he is still needed in 2017 plot.