BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

@prpldragon needs to get on Eljay drinking milk


The sets are great n all.

Though just to repeat like everyone else

Why the blue eyes

were they given some juice by Ekimu or something? Chi energy?


Compared to the other 2015 Toa. Gali and Pohatu were my favourite 2015 sets, and Tahu was my least, but I did the BZP review for Tahu and I’m pretty sure I remember just glowing over him. He’s the best version of Tahu we’ve ever gotten, and I still think that’s true. He’s unique, and there’s nothing about the back swords that would get in the way, I have the set right here, I’m playing with it as I type this. I think you’re hyperbolizing because it seems like you feel like your viewpoint is being shouted down.

You’re welcome to like what you like, as everyone always is. I don’t think busy textures are bad in the proper contexts, for example, but there’s no rhyme or reason to the ones on Tahu16, and they look out of place. The 2015 set had a unique silhouette and did a different look than any other CCBS humanoid set we’d gotten. The new one doesn’t. It’s simply that.

(I do agree that the new mask has more expression to it. I love the stern and angry look. I think it’s a good evolution of the Tahu mask, I just want it to be slightly larger and not have the silver/red blend since there isn’t any other silver for it to match with.)


Umarak is my favorite this wave. Then Lewa/Uxar, then everyone except Pohatu.

I personally would’ve liked to see it blended with red and trans red or something along those lines, like the Protector of Fire. That actually would’ve made more sense because of all the trans-red on Tahu anyways.


Y’know guys, these posts are just gonna make Eljay use more of those angry nerd stock photos when he makes his 2016 recent reviews.

Key word on humanoid, right? Because I remember the chima constraction figures having some large similarities to the 2015 sets.

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@DeeVee Everything you said does have merit and logic to it despite my disagreements with it. Well, except for the back sword thing. I like to have my sets posed in canonical positions. During play, his swords can get moved all over the place rather than staying in the upright position they’re always in when seen in the animations. I know it’s a personal issue, but it made me dislike 2015 Tahu’s build none-the-less. The same to a lesser degree with his shoulder pads, which couldn’t be posed up slightly and still look good like Gali. When done on him, he just looked even more gappy sadly. That’s one of the main selling points of the 2016 Tahu for me. His shoulder pads stay in one place and still act as shoulder pads that look cool. I dig.


I love Tahu 2016’s pauldrons but the thing is they fit virtually nowhere. They ruin the textures a bit but they look so cool. Well, at the very least I can replace them with the 2015 addons for more cohesion.

@DeeVee what would be your perfect 2016 Tahu?


Here is my opinion on both years
Build= 2016
Colors= 2015
Design/look= tie


I agree with this.


yeah, I agree


I don’t know. I think the whole “the reason this wave feels off and worse is because of how great the 2015 sets were” argument is definitely part true. I’m not sure how much more could have been done, in official set capacity, to overtake the 2015 Tahu. I think one of the things I was most excited about was seeing how they’d do it, and I’m disappointed they didn’t.

Personally I’ve never had that problem with Tahu 15’s back swords. They stay perfectly where I want them regardless of if I’m posing him or playing with him. The only time they get out of alignment is when I drop him or set him on his back on a table. I actually miss them on Tahu 16.

@PakariNation99 You don’t understand man. I have to have them… perfect… equal… they NEED TO BE IN THE EXACT SAME POSITION ON BOTH SIDES. Taking like, LoSS, and wrapping him around will most definitely move at least one of his swords… maybe not far… but the fact that they did move will make me spend minutes re-posing them.

…Yes I have issues. XD

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So do you think Tahu 2015 set the bar too high or Tahu 2016 is below average?

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Haha, okay, maybe that I can understand. But that’s just bound to happen. They’re meant to move, so they will move even if you don’t want them to! :smile:

I still miss the look, despite it’s flaws. He just looks so regal and visually impressive! I miss that on Tahu 16, but I think his unity more than makes up for that!

You’re not alone, I remember when I had the Piraka gang on the side of my bed and my dad barely moved and I went full rage demon over everyone. I was such a nice daughter don’t you think?..guys?

Welp anyway, I get why there’s so much hate against the 2016 textures, but didn’t almost everyone asked for more bonkly textures? And didn’t people say they felt like HF and not bonkle? Lego listened to all those fans and made what they thought was the correct choice, some may like, it, some may not, but regardless, you gotta admit, these are some pretty darn good sets.


No, a large group of loud people said that, whereas most reviews said they looked great. I think the 2015 piston part they introduced was the perfect halfstep between the overly-busy and ugly late-year BIONICLE G1 parts and the CCBS aesthetic, the big complaint now is that the new parts don’t marry the aesthetics and look out of place. It’s trying too hard.


@BlueCel Y-yeah! A-a wonderful daughter! (please let me live)

Poor LEGO, they keep getting mixed signals. I’m not sure what they’ll do for 2017. Do they go back to the smooth look? Do they follow up what they did for the loud people last year? Will they just decide they’ve had enough and do what they want and say “screw you guys!”?

I’m all for that last one. Strut your creative side bonkle team, you guys go. Do your own thing. The fans are mixed and don’t know what they want. It’s not worth listening to them on anything that isn’t design flaws that they give practical solutions to fix.


IMO the crystal piece works fine, it’s simply 2 or 4 pistons under a bunch of crystals, standard stuff.

Probably a big texture breaker is the torso piece. Not only is it cumbersome and useless, it has way too much pistons.