BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Yeah, Kopaka 2015 was one of my favorite sets that wave. This year… Not so much of a fan. I need to see him in real life.

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The first time I saw Kopaka I hated him. But when the final images surfaced I fell in love with him. The only complain that I still have is the random golden pieces on his legs.

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I think it can go either way. If they’re looking for a specific body build, then you’d be absolutely right. If they’re looking for a specific color, then they might be disappointed that the color they want isn’t on the Toa with the body type they want and then they’d either get a different set or just not get one at all because kids can be like that. Colors are important yo.

If they made Onua more hulkish he would have had to use the same danged chest piece from last year and I hate the thought of that. Then it would feel like nothing had changed at all. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, adding on to that, I guess it kinda makes them seem a lot more like a united team in 2016. Story-wise it makes sense because in 2015 they had trouble getting along and mostly worked independently from each other, getting their golden masks in their own environment, so I guess their physical differences reflect that.

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2015: oh noes! Onua is a gorila man oddly proportioned!
2016: oh noes! Onua is a well proportioned figure! I hate he aint no bulky no moar, 2015 was better.


Truthfully, it seems that everyone is asking for more of the same, and if that’s the case then why not be content with the 2015 sets? I mean, I reaaaally liked the Toa Metru but I didn’t like the Hordika, so I skipped out on them. No big deal. I wasn’t going to complain that they weren’t exactly like the Toa Metru though. :slight_smile:

I swear, if we go back to a super smooth aesthetic for 2017, I know exactly who to send blame letters to. Watch out for that. It’ll be stained in my salty tears. You’ll feel like, sooo bad. XD


For the record tho, yeah, disagree with the loss of character or distinct styles here (excluding Kopaka because I dunno what happened in Denmark).

Onua would probably blow up parts count
Tahu is more or less the same guy here, shoulderpads, magma swords, etc.
Gali is admittedly more bland, I liked her massive shoulder pads in 2015. Asymmetry seemed to be the main focus in 2016, but that doesn’t mean there’s no distinct style. Just a different one.
Lewa is for the most part the same, his shoulders are actually elevated like in 2015 and his uniter form has his undistinguishable shoulder things.
Pohatu is the only dude who seems to not have any character this time around, no asymmetry, no spikes, just simple ol potatoes.

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Except he’s not even remotely similar. I have both of them next to one another, right now. Different shoulders, entirely different leg look, entirely different motif. Y’all keep saying “they don’t look like they lost character”, but you’re looking at renders and we’re not.


would the new upgrades be comparable to the old Toa upgrades?

Well you do have a point there, although what I’m saying is very generalized. Thinking about it now, the only remote similarity is the swords (kinda) and the arms.

and the mask I’d say

When it comes to Tahu, his transformation and looks are kinda like Caterpie and Butterfree. Do their transformations make sense? Yes. Do they look even remotely similar? Kinda, but not really.

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@DeeVee Actually, I thought 2015 Tahu was bland and that his “back swords” got in the way of posing. As I recall, Most reviews thought that the 2015 Tahu was lackluster compared to the other Toa.

I personally find this Tahu to evoke everything that I’ve wanted from Tahu, not to mention I think that his mask has WAY more personality than his older mask. It’s angry, it’s expressive. The 2015 mask looked almost emotionless, or perhaps “noble” is a more adequate word.

I accept and acknowledge how you feel about the set and that your complaints are logical, however those complaints aren’t going to register with everyone because they’re subjective. Feel how you feel man, but let those of us who disagree feel how we feel.


Well, I mean…

He can.

And so can I. In like, 56 minutes.



I like Pohatu…

He’s my second favorite set this wave.
after Umarak.

*prepares for storm


Umarak is definitely the best of the wave.

Like I’ve said, I like most of these sets and don’t feel the need to complain. I admit there is problems, but I like to think on the positive side.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this so much

I see the glass as half full, not half empty


I drink the contents of the glass.


oh, I thought the purpose of the glass was just to look at it

my whole life is a lie

