BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

I stand by my belief that the 2016 sets are better than the 2015 sets. Sure they all have their problems, but they fix many of my qualms with the 2015 Toa. Tahu is especially an improvement. His whole frame was gappy in 2015, sure his colors might leave a bit to be desired, be he looks more like the Tahu I grew up with, and I’ll take that over a slightly updated 2015 Tahu ANY DAY.

Sure, cohesion is nice, but I welcome the return of more detailed pieces. I’d hate to just go back to smooth shells after this. I hope they don’t over due it, sure, and I want everything to look like it belongs, but at the same time I’d pick what we got this year over having the same aesthetic from last year. Getting the same pieces time and time again is just a waste.

Imagine if the Toa we got for 2016 were literally all just their 2015 builds with a few new pieces. There wouldn’t be any reason to buy them.

Hahaha, and so it shall be. :stuck_out_tongue:


I love the new sets. Except Pohatu. He is bad. He is, IMO, the only 2016 set so far that is outright bad. I love everyone else, though!

1000% disagree. I’ll engage in this debate in… under 2 hours.

Why do you disagree?
I like 2016 Tahu from the pictures. IMO, he looks good in gold, and looks good overall.




You see my opinion is that the 2016 sets are a million times better. Sure the 2015 looked great and they are great but imo, the only thing that made them different than the HF sets was the mask thing and gearbox. These sets are pretty much their own thing, the feel and look like the bionicle I played in my childhood. Yes they are not perfect, no bionicle (or any) set is perfect, but these 2016 sets, they scream bionicle to me.

However, I do understand why many people dislike them, the colors are all over the place, some textures look odd and some designs might not be what poeple like. But all and all, these sets feel better in every way TO ME.

Ok thanks.

@Square personally, I like akidas the best, those legs remind me of those little long legged spiders i used to “pet” when i was a girl… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: altho…ketars trap does have some neat pieces.


I honestly can’t say I like one over the other

2016 tahu has the awesome build but an overdose of gold
2015 tahu actually has red and IMO better weapons

I can’t pick one over the other, same goes for all the other toa (except for Gali, 2015 Gali superior)

but I agree with chronicler, despite their flaws, I love the 2016 toa


Why must Ketar have the best Shadow Trap? :scream_cat:


On her own? Yes, totally. With Akida? Not a chance. 2016 Gali blows that out of the water (pun intended :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).
EDIT: I’m so sorry about that pun. I can’t help myself.


I just feel like Gali did a better job at looking feminine but not overdoing it

however, united Gali looks amazing, she’s got the Transformers G1 shoulder cannon thing going on there


Yeah, that’s fair.


and to be honest, I really don’t care that the chestplate is over detailed

I took these pictures to these two kids who I got into bionicle, and they love the look of them, so hey at least they’ve got that going for them, however even they agree that Tahu has too much gold :stuck_out_tongue:


Being still young, I can agree that it should appeal. After all, back in my day, I noticed that Hero factory was popular (and I liked it).

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They did bring up a good point about the 2016 Toa losing their distinctive silhouettes they had in 2015, almost looking like clone sets this time around…but I think that the differences in their builds (limbs and torso) make up for that, even if you don’t really notice at first glance


I think that they are nothing close to clone sets. OK, sort of close, but they make up for it.

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I feel like they really do have different silhouettes, not as unique as the 2015 toa, but different nonetheless

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@Rockho I can see that being a problem for collectors and adults, but thinking with the mindset that these are for children, and that they might not have the money to buy every single Toa, It allows them to just buy one. That’s something I actually loved about the older sets in BIONICLE. You could just pick your favorite color and not miss out just because you lack the funds.

Speaking personally, my family wasn’t exactly rich, so I’d end up with maybe three sets a year, along with one big titan set if I was lucky. LEGO isn’t expecting kids to buy every set, but this makes it a lot easier for kids to pick a favorite Toa.

For a long time I couldn’t pick a favorite Toa from the 2015 wave because each one was just so… unique. Eventually I picked Gali because you can position her shoulder pads to be in a tilted position that allowed for her to move her arms without a problem while still looking really good unlike Tahu and Kopaka. Lewa would always give me ax problems while trying to use his function and during posing and Pohatu just had a slight gap problem that was a bit eh.


You guys are lucky I didn’t design the sets, because if i did…well…


Kinda disagree with the toa having similar generic silhouettes. They might have at the most basic body structure the same thing but things like their shoulderpads, masks, and most basic shaping feel pretty different.

Some say the toa lost some character. It’s debatable, but personally I disagree. Their main point seems to be that Onua lost his hulking stance in 2016 but in LEGO’s defense if they would make Onua more hulkish his parts count would have really gone up.



Typically LEGO’s business plan isn’t on making it easier for kids to choose one Toa, in the ideal scenario they want their audience to buy as much as they can.

It’s nothing personal, just business. Lord Buisness

In fact I’d argue the varied builds and colors were allowed kids a more diverse set of options so they could get the Toa that appealed to them most. That’s what drove me to Onua, even though I wasn’t a fan of his previous incarnations.