BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

I guess that makes sense…it’s like Umarak’s jaw underneath isn’t actually part of the MoCo, it’s his skull that grew so much in size that now the jaw is showing. But in terms of looks alone I still prefer the gold technic attachments regardless.


Thank you Eljay. I’m really sorry for not reading the rules and realizing this. I have just read them and will abide by them as well as I can.


if its supposed to be umaraks actual jaw, then why is it gunmetal and not silver, like the regular head.

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the same reason his head is black in JtO.


yeah but JtO is weird, his eyestalk is green and his eyes are red,


But still awesome right? :unamused:

@RaptorTalon I don’t think so. Personal opinions, the bane of the world

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Yeah JtO heads are weird but I think they look better than the set heads. I just wish we could see the G1 heads

I dunno about awesome…

How about… “Serviceable with some cool scenes sprinkled in”[quote=“TheMoltenKing, post:27206, topic:15529”]
@RaptorTalon I don’t think so. Personal opinions, the bane of the world

Indeed they are, I personally thought it was good and perfectly serviceable as a BIONICLE special, certainly on the lower end of my spectrum, but it worked for what it was.

But I feel his head was better off being black in the set.

but the heads not black in jto, its the same texture and style as all the other heads, in this seen hes in a dark room with only Makutas flames lighting the place.

Well just type in “Bionicle” on netflix and you will probably find it. So its not as terrible, its good that they showed that it exists, at least thats something to go from.


It`s weird that Lego made Bionicle because they were not making money on Star Wars. Now Star Wars is competing with Bionicle for Constraction, ironic

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As much as I hate to say it, I still think SW will win out. As long as Bionicle has a good ending I wouldn’t mind tho

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How are they competing?

Starwars constraction figures only benefit from having another constraction line around. Its like saying Lego StarWars is competing with Ninjago, while to some extent it is competing, both themes benefit from having another theme of the same system,

Its not like there can only be one constraction at a time, the more the better it is for everyone.

Both themes help each other out in a sense, so I doubt that if Bionicle is canceled it will be because starwars constraction did better.


Guys Bionicle is not going to be cancelled in 2016 and here`s why.

When Lego is going to cancel a line they make the decision two years in advance. This is so they have two years to make a line that can replace it.

So if Bionicle was going to end in 2017 they would have to make that decision in 2014 or early 2015 which would be stupid because they do not know figure sales. If they do not make this decision then there will be no replacement constraction line for two years.

Also Lego said that Bionicle was going to last until 2017 so that basically confirms it. So do not worry Bionicle will last at least one more year.

Lets just hope they do not have the only one wave for 2017 like Ninjago, Power Miners, Atlantis, and even G1 Bionicle. (Sorry for copying NickonAquaMagna but it is true)


if they were going to cancel this line early it would have already happened. So yeah your right. How ever if by the end of the year they determine that the first two years profits weren’t good enough, then it could go the way of chima and still get its third year and then just end with no announcement and get replaced by something that could work better.

Both Chima and the original run Of Ninjago were only 5 waves, even if they both took course on three years.

Even the original Bionicle didn’t last for actual 10 years. For Europe it was 9,5 and for USA it was only 9 :stuck_out_tongue:


true, though I dont how they would structure a wave to include all 6 toa, 6 small sets and makuta.

the price for both winter waves have been 180 dollars, so if they wanted to make makuta big 25 dollar+ set, they would have to make more then one 20 dollar toa a 15 dollar toa. Unless they wanted to make the small sets bad guys and sacrifice one of them to make makuta bigger.

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How I see it could happen is that they downgrade the toa. If the prize drop is significant enough there’s no need for small sets and they can bulk up Makuta into $30

You have to remember that usually Lego themes have less sets for their sendoff wave than what they would normally have.

Another reason I think why it’s better to have a prize difference between Umarak and Makuta is that if the demand is low enough Makuta might end up cannibalizing Umarak TD’s sales. But if they keep this year’s trend up it would mean Umarak would be mostly gone by the time Makuta is released.

Little tip, its price not prize. A prize is something you win, a price is how much something cost. Just so you know in the future.

Anyways, You could be right that they just release the 6 toa for 15 dollars, an Ekimu maybe and then Makuta with no small sets.