BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

I’m also a Canadian resident, the LEGO stores in Toronto are no longer carrying the Bionicle sets, save for Protectors on clearance. Not sure if that’s of any help.


prepare for overpriced sets that lego store loves them

Does anyone remember Lego Ultra Agents that theme only lasted 3 waves if Lego wanted to cancel Bionicle they would have done it by now


Not every theme follows a three year plan to begin with.

I believe Ultra Agents only got two waves.

It was 3, 2 for 2014 and a final wave in 2015 I think

Ah ok. Thanks for that.

I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me here, but I think if Lego wants the sets to sell better, they need to organize their release better. I believe a good way to release a wave is to have three toa, and three bad guys, with a titan sized good guy set. Then the next wave can follow suit but the titan will be a bad guy. I don’t know wether people liked that similar format in 2008 or not, but it definitely worked for me.

It’s just that everytime a new toa wave has come out for g2, I have been super hyped up and excited for it, but when the villains come out, it feels like I’m buying them for completion purposes. I think releasing 3 and 3 of each would really help me care more about the villains.


I liked the 2008 format. It gave us two different themes of sets. The mistika were vastly different from the phantoka, but were still a team.


Just no Gali Mistika 2.0 :sweat_smile:


They might try to sell them by pure nostalgia by having designs that are even closer to mata than what the masters were.
Aside from that they could try to give them all the Ekimu treatment, but as they do listen to community it might not happen because plenty of people have expressed their dislike for the spam of transparent parts.


I can’t think of a reason why that format would be bad, but since LEGO isn’t using it, they must have a good reason.

It’s strange, because HF kept the half-hero, half-villain waves for the most part. Maybe LEGO thinks that sales plan isn’t useful anymore?

Because they had to include the small sets somehow.
With Hero Factory part of the small sets were the main heroes.
And that is partly why I hope they would had used the same format for G2.

If you were a kid, would you buy this over a set that barely appears in the story such as protectors?
Let’s add to that if you would know that Evo is one of the main characters?


Good point. I forgot that the heroes were occasionally priced lower. Still, that begs the question of why LEGO doesn’t split the small sets in half as well, as if the Toa were split, their respective companions could be as well…

There was heroes of all sizes and of all different price points.
With Bionicle you got the three that are medium and 2 that are almost luxury

Hero factory had it split so there was something for everyone and everyone could get engaged with the story.

there can be such thing as too much diversity but Bionicle doesn’t have it enough.


Yeah, I see what you mean there. But I think that’s mostly due to BIONICLE’s much more restricted cast. We only have six real “heroes,” with the rest being only side or supporting characters, and the villains tend to be rather shallow (save Makuta, Umarak and, based on the preview for the next book, Kulta). Hero Factory started off with six heroes, but soon we had more, and each villain was unique. As the cast grew, so did the set variety. That’s why I think BIONICLE will have the same set pattern for a while, because of the limited group of characters…


Yes, but keep in mind in 2001/2002 the Toa were a mere $5.

And that is were they made mistake. They tried to shove G1 formula into G2, when they should had copied Hero Factory instead.

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my main problem with the sets are the price, you were able to buy an entire wave with 60€, now with that you can only buy the smallest sets, it’s not like the old sets had as many pieces as these we have now, but they were as big as these