BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

I was fully expecting it to not have any, or many at least. Surprised of the lack of ribcages tho.


We don’t have any confirmation on any such outcome. As of right now, it’s still planned for 2017, and if you’re optimistic it might go longer.

I’d also like to point out that each last year for the past few constraction themes has given us an ample amount of new molds. HF gave us the two different beast feet, spike pieces, cockpits for heroes, beast head molds, and minifigures. Heck, even the STARS gave us new armor pieces and feet. That’s twi entirely new molds separate from masks and the rubber things Nektan and the Rahkshi had going on. All for a wave that happened at the last minute.


UtD only used three molds exclusive to the Summer Wave–his mask, his jaw, and the crystal shell. If Makuta doesn’t need new molds, why waste the money to make them?

We also can’t see his lower body or arms. It may be that he has new molds there, or even as part of his torso, the skeleton of which we also can’t see. Maybe the new molds will come with the other sets of 2017?

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To be fair, there could be new internal pieces for new functions inside that Makuta. Maybe there’s a new skeleton piece to fit the armor on that Makuta, however, that’s just an optimistic decision. His interior skeleton is probably custom.


The last few lines in that trailer were incredibly cheesy but the beginning with Makuta was great. Also nice to see Umarak can still talk even when he is a monster.

And Makuta’s comment about the gods is interesting. I wonder if Lego will do something with that if Bionicle lasts beyond 2017.


Well, maybe by not including any new molds, the designers are able to make the Makuta set larger? As in, new molds would make the set more expensive to manufacture, and in order to fit within the budget, the set would have to be smaller or have fewer pieces? (idk how to explain this right now…hopefully someone understands what I mean. :stuck_out_tongue: )

I really just want to know what color this Makuta set will be. I doubt he’ll be black/purple, as that’s too similar to Onua. Perhaps he’ll retain his gold/purple appearance?


The only mold he’s missing is the beast mask. He literally uses uses up every mold introduced in the Summer wave besides that, and the piece budget was most likely used up with this year’s winter wave. My point is, the Winter Waves always introduce new pieces, and every set introduced in the Winter Wave uses at least one of them.

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Probably a generic black and trans orange. I’d expect that by now.

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I find it strange how that where the shadow trap is, there are no legs. It gives makuta a djiin like feel. :slight_smile:


God of fire, god of ice, god of earth etc.


I didn’t think of that, but that’s also a valid reason. If you use fewer new molds, you get the ability to include more pieces that already exist…

You are correct, but do we know for certain that this set will be in the Winter Wave next year? If rumors are true, it’s coming later this year, but even if you don’t believe them (I don’t), this Makuta set might be in the Summer Wave of 2017. I don’t know if it’s too early for those designs, but this seems like a set that would have been thought of relatively early, so who knows?

Either way, my point that he might have new molds that we can’t see still stands, as does yours. Plus, this set could very well be subject to change, so we shouldn’t take the apparent lack of new molds as something of great concern, IMO.


Makuta is trapped inside that purple crystal. What makes you think he will will appear as red/orange instead


Alright, nevermind that.

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Ive told you this before, and ill tell you again, different waves have different budgets, ok. I doubt Bionicle is any different in the design process then system.

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how do you know that?


I don’t know. I just assume. There’s a strong indication it’s more than just “summoning post” as we have seen his spirit all over the island without an artifact needed to summon him.


The teaser of Titan Makuta looks very interesting. Although most of it is purple smoke (which is probably why we can’t see any new peices) it seems like the design is mostly finished. Perhaps we’ll see him next winter wave opposed to next summer.