BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Really? To me it was becoming interesting. It was adding depth, history and mystery. If they hadn’t had to change the ending, I could have seen it setting up huge potential for 2017


Suuure, if you call generic, boring, cringy story to be interesting then why not. Why not change the meaning of the word “interesting”, its not like it matters anymore. :smile:

Potential doesnt mean anything if they dont use that potential and make something good out of it. If they dont, its just a disappointment.

Based on a lot of your posts I’m guessing (fairly confidently) you weren’t much of a fan of JtO and the 2016 story. I’m sorry to hear that. It sucks when something you love disappoints you.

Your deductions are false, but then again it wasnt the first time someone read me wrong here.

As this fanbase has made a point, there are many different kinds of fans of something.

Its my opinion that you are wrong. Just like you think Im wrong.

So I went to Target today to try and see if I could find a spare Umarak and Tahu so I could get two steps closer to building Makuta, and they weren’t in the LEGO aisle, which was odd. So I checked the clearance aisle and there they were, Umarak and Scorpio. In the aisle also was a woman and her child, in the cart.

I grabbed Umarak and readied to leave, but the woman asked if I was looking for BIONICLE, and I said yes, and she directed by to two MMvSG sets at the end. So I went and checked them but wasn’t really interested.

As they passed Skull Scorpio, the child said “Look mommy, BIONICLE!” and that just made me smile, that this child, no older than 4, knew BIONICLE. He probably had a few sets or something, then.

It’s kinda sad that it had ended when there are definitely younger fans here.


If that’s your opinion, that’s fine and all, but don’t go saying that we’re wrong. This whole matter is subjective, there is no right or wrong answer. If you disliked the story that’s fine, and so is discussing why you disliked it. Saying that we’re wrong isn’t though.



And I personally fail to see how it was overly generic. To me it wasn’t cringey

And the reason the potential couldn’t make anything great was 2017 got cancelled, so that disappointment wasn’t even the story’s fault

Sadly, not a lot of younger fans due to the line going way too early, improperly marketed (adding to the confusion of what a heck is a Bionicle), and being expensive for parents to even think of buying something this less known of a line.

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Mind letting me know which part I was wrong about?

Oh yes, because parents obviously can’t afford $10. /s

The raised prices are a result of inflation, and LEGO has always been expensive, yet it’s the hottest toy company. If parents didn’t have the budget today to buy a $9.99-$19.99 set, LEGO wouldn’t selling better than every cheap toyline out there


You forget that there are other parts of the world with different standards and cultures, or do you only assess everything in US terms only?

Regular people here dont buy expensive stuff, unless its on sale.

Not now, and not in every country. (My gosh do you all only think of the US in these conversations).

No difference, what so ever. Both of your countries are capitalistic and around the same standards of living.

No, its just there are very few people after they go through that age that buy LEGOs, specially Bionicle. Cultural things, you wont understand it unless you lived here your whole life. [quote=“TheMoltenKing, post:31283, topic:15529”]
Not much happens over 5-10 years, and it only takes a parent to say “oh I remember those” to introduce their kids to the theme

Tried it with my nephew, he only likes LEGO plane sets and Minecraft. Minecraft here is very popular with this current generation.

Yes, still stand by that statement due to Amazon not being available in every country. Also you dont know what kids in my country like so you cant tell me anything about that. I have spend months with kids from ages 3-6 in Kindergardens and with kids ages 7-13 in Schools. Got pretty good understanding of what they are into over that time.

Bionicle is actually quite well known.

They did a survey and 85% of under 16’s knew what bionicle was and half of those owned sets. That’s very good, even for a normal Lego them, let alone a construction one

And what @Tarvaax said applies to all of North America, much of Europe, a fair chunk of Asia (China) and some of south America. So basically half the world at least

@TeslaEffect I’m UK actually.

And did a whole generation of under 16’s die or something? And where did I mention the US, you can’t presume!

@TeslaEffect Not much happens over 5-10 years, and it only takes a parent to say “oh I remember those” to introduce their kids to the theme

Just like all the places I listed which equals 1/3 of the world minimum

A month ago you said I couldn’t use Amazon as a sample for Bionicle’s success cos it was too small a percentage of the bigger picture. Right back at you: your nephew = 1 amongst millions, next!

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I’m sorry for your region’s current state, but you’re in the minority. LEGO looks at sales in a world wide view, which means the biggest markets dictate exposure and prices, and LEGO relies on regions with big markets in the first place. Just because hardly any kids can buy them in your region, it doesn’t mean that kids aren’t gobbling up expensive sets in the markets that largely impact LEGO.


Well on another note. I´m going to order the beasts next week, but quake beast and storm beast is out of stock :sob:

Atleast they will be restocked tough :blush:


The good thing about Constractions not being popular in my country is that I dont have any trouble of buying the sets I want, even 2-5 years later on.


One thing I have always wondered since about… a week ago? Is how long have the Toa been on the island of Okoto.
It seems like a week or 2, or maybe 3.
I see their timeline like this

DAY 1 - Arrive on island, search for golden masks, find masks, achieve the POWAAAAAAAAAH, go to lost city.

DAY 2 - Arrive at bridge, beat up LoSS, go into lost city

DAY 3 - Beat up Skull Warriors and Skull Slicer

DAY 4 - Beat up Skull Scorpios, awaken Ekimu, beat up Skull Basher and get rekt by Kulta. Then get the Ekimu Ex Machina. Protectors arrive, have fireworks and celebrate

DAY 5 - stand around while villagers come

DAY 6 - stand around while villagers come

DAY 7 - stand around while villagers come

DAY 8 - Escape from the Underworld shenanigans

DAY 9 - Stuff

DAY 10 - Get new armor from Ekimu!!! Get Unity masks, unite with creatures, then come back.

DAY 11 - Go out to the Labyrinth, Pohatu does Pohatu things, lose MoCo, Umarak mutates

DAY 12 - Stuff

DAY 13 - Umarak becomes Destroyer, raises Shadow Horde, Toa defend city. Ekimu becomes powered up, Umarak gets shards, Toa learn to defeat Beasts, leave Creatures to defend city, Toa + Ekimu go to defeat Umarak. They go to the Black Crater, get surprised, beat up Umarak, Umarak does super jump, stuff stuff fight, Gali goes to Shadow Realm, Makuta makes speech in front of the Toa that he specifically knows will be in there, Umarak blows up, Gali comes back, they beat back Makuta then go to the stars.

What are your thoughts on how long the Toa stayed on Okoto?


One small problem with your timeline, as far as I can see. The fourth webisode from 2015 clearly states that the search for the Golden Masks took weeks, so if we consider that to be, say, three weeks, your timeline should jump from Day 1 to Day 21. I think the rest is pretty good, though…


if you put it that way, im impressed lego managed to make 1 and a half years of story

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Like Toa_Heatwave said, it took them at least two weeks to get to their shrines, and probably another week to get to the City of the Mask Makers.

Actually, this all seems to take place on the same day. They arrive in the city at noon, battle the Skull Warriors right before sunset, and then the rest happens at night.

Seeing as how it took them weeks to travel from their landing site to the Golden Mask shrines, I’d say it took them at least a couple weeks to travel from the City of the Mask Makers to each of their regions and find the Creatures, and make the journey back. No way this takes place in one day.

Overall, I’d say the entirety of G2–excluding The Legend–takes place in the span of two months or so. Though, there’s a lot of guessing, so we really have no clue. :stuck_out_tongue:


I like to think that there was a significant gap between 2015 and 2016, say a few months or so, but idk.

We should ask Greg /s

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