BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Y’know, I do prefer biting and striking functions over swiveling/swaying functions.
I wonder if we’ll get anything nearly as powerful as the Tarakava. Or maybe CCBS doesn’t have that kind of power?


Or how about a function like the Bhorok queens? That would be lovely.
But also…how about a firebreath (lava beast) function with shooters? But not with stud shooters, I’m done with those.


[quote=“TheEsquire, post:3176, topic:15529”]
I wonder if we’ll get anything nearly as powerful as the Tarakava. Or maybe CCBS doesn’t have that kind of power?
[/quote]Oh they could most certainly make functions that hit well, but LEGO seems to be afraid that kids will misuse them and beat each other up… rightly so because… well they would. XD

[quote=“BlueCel, post:3177, topic:15529”]
But also…how about a firebreath (lava beast) function with shooters? But not with stud shooters, I’m done with those.
[/quote]Like the Star Wars shooter? I’d get behind that. It’s easier to keep track of a big projectile anyway. I’d actually use the projectile launcher if that were the case!


You mean like the same impact force? Well since CCBS is mostly ball-joint composed there’s always going to be some kind of give. Try using a Master’s gear function to punch a wall.

I’ve been working on a prototype build for realistic punching motion while still being ajustable, but I think it’s too complex for LEGO to integrate.

You know what would be awesome though? Piston/extendable fists. Much easier to implement, plus you can add a lot of force to it.


Punching functions…missused? I would never dare to do such a horrible act against anyone!..ok yes I do, a lot.
But what I trully want for a function is something that is able to actually knock out the mask of the enemy, I mean, isn’t that why the fucntion exists in the first place?


Hey, hey guys. You know what I was saying about Kopaka and Melum’s price being unofficial and waiting until we got an official price?

MUAHAHAHAHAHA! :smiling_imp:

(“Tarvaax you’re such a jerk! No need to get snobby about it, sheeeesh”)

[quote=“Rockho, post:3182, topic:15529”]
Poor Melum still suffers from rendering issues…
[/quote]Maybe that’s why the price is different than we thought it would be. They saw us getting upset about the price, so they just chopped Melum in half so they could sell it for less. :wink:

[quote=“Rockho, post:3182, topic:15529”]
Are the other sets up?
[/quote]Not that I’m aware of. I’m not even sure how that one was found.


Poor Melum still suffers from rendering issues…

Are the other sets up?

Well, Kopaka and Melum are $40 in Australia (for some reason they are listed there), but Umarak is only $30… which makes him the same cost (again, in Australia) as 2016 Onua.
It might just be the location pricing, but that’s what it appears to be.

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Oh yay, now I can entertain the thought of picking up the set!

entertains thought

Nope. Still hate it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Now here comes the bad news, this means that the Winter wave prices of 2015 and 2016 are now identical. It isn’t a stretch to say that the summer wave will have a similar budget to this year’s.


I don’t know about budget, as these sets could sell very well. Also, the villain costs more this wave.


Welp, I got the money to buy ALL the winter 2016 Bionicle sets! And it’s not even Christmas yet! Thank you Trash and going to College allowance! WOOOOOO!

Sorry, that was uncalled for. Really excited but I’ll hold my personal thoughts once I get them. I will definitely mod them (more so than this years sets) and get some bricklink orders placed around February (my Birthday; I’ll be 20!). Also, have to make Creature versions of Remilia and Flandre. Going to use the new sword piece for Flandre’s wings! Already have humanoid versions (yes, Human, NOT Bionicle, same universe in my fan story) and I wanted Creature versions since they can shape ■■■■■ due to being Vampires.

-sigh- There I go getting off topic again HAHA. :sweat_smile:

Perhaps a clearer term would have been pricing trend. Despite boasting of more new molds and other aspects that signify a development budget increase, the sets still follow the same pricing trend of this year. The sole exception being Umarak, and this balanced out by downsizing Kopaka. Both winter waves cost $180.

It’s not a stretch to say the summer wave will follow the same pricing trend as this year’s summer. If UtD is indeed Titan class he is most likely in the $25-30 range. The beasts are probably $15 (but I’m really hoping for a nice round $20) and Ekimu could anywhere between $10-20 depending on how LEGO wants to treat his upgrade. If the current summer pricing is used, the summer wave will cost $90. Half as much as the winter wave.

Well, winter is when most holidays happen, so Lego can afford to have lots of sets then. Less people are able to buy everything in the summer, so it makes sense that Lego would make it cost less.
I’m hoping the beasts are actually $20-30. That would be great.


Eurobricks Kopaka and Melum review!

[quote=“Chronicler, post:3190, topic:15529”]
Regardless, they should have kept it at 20 dollars.
[/quote] Is a Shadow Trap really worth five dollars? If that’s the case, LEGO totally should have omitted them from all the sets. I want to know what all of the creatures would look like with five dollars more for pieces. XD

Kidding aside, $25 seems fair. I’m not all that crazy about the shadow traps, they’ll just sit around like my Skull Spiders. All I need is Umarak and I’ll be set.


So Kopaka’s price is 25 dollars now? A much more reasonable price, since you’d get a 15-dollars worth Toa and a “10-dollars-worth” creature.

Regardless, they should have kept it at 20 dollars.


Still better than $30 though, that means I get to save more money! and by me I mean my dad =P

And I hate to admit this but Melum does look cute, I think I will pose him like a Bhorok as shown on the review. And as for Kopaka his shield has grown on me a lot, but ugh, those hideous gold pieces on his tighs.


Still not sold on the set. Kopaka just doesn’t appeal to me as a whole. His colorscheme is very poorly handled and I’m not a fan of how his arms and legs look. I love the broadsword, but the gun-shield leaves something to be desired. I would have scrapped it in favor of an ice trap.

In my Toa ranking Kopaka is pretty low, I think I’ll pass. The funny thing is if Melum was separate I would get him just because he’s so cute.

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I wonder if we’ll get combiner or alternate form instructions this wave (besides the uniter mode)

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that would be actually pretty awesome

edit : @BlueCel just realized you joined 1 day before me ! xD

edit no2 : if they have the new products up that means they will probs update the website !!

Good as hell! Less money to waste on dayone :smile:

He’s my second fav.