BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

I feel like I’m the only one who likes Kopaka. He’s one of my faves.


Someone posted this comment on the Bionicle Facebook page:

New From Lego Bionicle, Ekimu has granted to toa new masks of power which grant the Users new armor weapons and skills however the evil Umarak seeks to steal the mask of Control and use it to control the creatures, beings of raw elemental power, and rule over okoto! Unite the creatures with the uniters and take the battle to Umarak! Each set sold seperatly


Hmm, very interesting. I won’t take this as the new official storyline of 2016 until I actually see it on netflixor animations. However if this is true, yay for no mask hunt! And yay for independent Umarak! But I doubt Umarak is trying to take over okoto independently, after all didn’t they say that Kulta was trying to take over the world in an add?


Don’t know if this has been posted yet, but all the sets have been uploaded to the US Lego S@H site. I’ll check my Lego store today to see if they’ve arrived.


Well, we did kinda know that when @Tarvaax confirmedl that Kopka was $25 then proceeded to laugh at our faces
But thanks for pointing it out for those who didn’t read that!


I doubt this will be the case being we’re getting a show, the villain kind of needs to talk.


It already looks like a titan

this doesnt has anything to do with bionicle, more less.
But this guy bought the 2016 star wars sets

will the bionicle sets be released there aswell?
(he is from Rusia I believe)

from Patrick Biggs in flickr


He’s definitely speaking in Russian

Yeah that guy got the sets from a store which I’m guessing was not supposed to be selling the sets. I checked the store itself, they did not have any of them listed. So likely the guy got lucky when he ordered them and they mistakingly delivered him the sets. Also Ikir looks cool.

I just realized you can turn Terak and Melum into actual Bhorok, iif they have the right articulation that is, but it’s definately possible.
I feel I’m liking the creatures more than the actual toa. But I like them all nonetheless.

Sees all new reviews, but its all in Russian.


Russians get all the cool stuff, Its like they are Denmark itself.

Also why do the SW constraction sets have back leg armor while the Bionicle ones dont, those pins were clearly designed to place those rounded lego pieces and fill in the gaps.


Don’t know if anyone noticed, but the LEGO Store has Kopaka, Onua and Umarak up (at least for the UK store).
For those of us in the UK, they are ‘coming soon’ on 31st December. This is probably when they will be released, though it might just be the date of an official reveal or something. Let’s hope it’s the former.


The SW figure has longer bone. two slots for two pins. This would had been possible with his 2015 version though.

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It would still have covered up the back. But yeah, even the 2015 sets needed these, specially tahu.


Still not an excuse for having those weird pins exposed for “back coverage”

The pins are better nothing.

The most plausible theory I’ve heard is that those pins are not there for coverage, but easier construction.

Sets like Tahu, Onua, and Kopaka use similar trans-beams of different lengths. A novice builder could mistake which bones go where. On one bone pins could fit, on the other they can’t. If the builder was following the instructions they would know which bone to use because the pins only fit in one type.

That said I still think it sucks that they didn’t go farther and give some back coverage. Not to mention the pins stick out and draw attention to the problem, making it worse. I would have put studs on those pins if I couldn’t provide coverage.

Still all those excuses are…

Two small lego pieces would not have killed them to add in with Tahu. Im sorry but no.


Hoping for official reveal soon.