BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

What piece would you had used then?

We already got the official reveal for the 2016 winter wave, it was the poster as posted on the facebook page and leaked previously, they’ve nothing to reveal for a while now, except a trailer for the journey to one.


I mean like a website update. Also a trailer for the 2016 animations.


The same piece, I would have changed nothing substantial.

Or netlfix show. Hope the show doesn’t disappoint, this is bonkles time to shine.
@GK733 I would have just used a pinaxle, then put a ball joint on it and then a ccbs shell, easy fix, few pieces.


…but you can’t add them. There’s only one pinhole.on each leg. The leg needs two to support a system connection.

You only need one.

I think I would have added a small disk or a stud onto those pins. Anything to cover them up.

If the budget allowed it I would have attached a bar claw to the leg and then a small flame piece to help the “legs on fire” look.

No, you need two. It’s illegal connection to stress a system piece on a balljoint.
You can stress a balljoint with a pinhole but not with system piece.

Illegal connection? I didnt knew Its against the law.


Easy fix, few pieces.
However I feel this is argument belongs to the mods youll do to em, even though I’m saying what would have been better.


It’s “illegal” to stress pieces to certain extent because it damages them.


I still dont see why the use of that word. Wouldnt it be better to say, its bad to use it since it causes damage to the pieces, instead of saying illegal. Illegal has a quite well known and well used definition which just makes me confused when you use it in this way.

The community takes it seriously.

The right example just doesn’t work.


[quote=“MakutaAhkmou, post:3218, topic:15529”]
Also a trailer for the 2016 animations.
[/quote]At this point you can pretty much count on us NOT getting new animations. Merlin P. Mann is no longer working on BIONICLE, the studio that makes the animations officially stated that its commission had ended, and there’s nothing pointing towards their contract being renewed.

I’m not trying to be rude or say it’s impossible, I’m just warning you not to get your hopes up because right now, the odds are stacked up against returning animations.

This of course means that the Netlfix series will be the main source for story content for the coming years.


But why call it an illegal connection, its the most weirdest choice of words ever.

Referring to such a connection as illegal is hardly a new concept. It’s been the word that has been used to describe those connections for many years.


Sure, the pros call it that cause its the norm for them, but when it comes to newcomers who arent in that atmosphere, its a pretty weird name.

no it’s not… illigal = not allowed. how is that hard to understand for anyone?

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I just built a Nui Kopen and I miss the complexity of Titan sets. Hopefully the Beasts from the summer wave turn out to be titan sets.