BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Okay, guys, we’re getting off topic. Let’s bring the discussion of illegal building techniques to another topic of something.

I went to the “Prototypes discussion” and I saw these

and I dont know about you, but I see some beasts here, Magma beast, quake beast, storm beast
they are from a non released “Legends of mata nui” game


im not putting my hopes up.

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Wouldn’t be profitable. It’s the smaller/medium sets that sell
Quite likely that the whole lineup of 2016 costs the same as this year so it would make
4x 15$ set and one 30$ set for summer.

The only titan being Umarak TD.

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I’m hoping for 3 20 dollar beast but I should probably lower those expectations.

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Truthfully, what is a titan set anymore? Our average Toa sets are already like, $20 and that used to be the price that would pay you that good ol’ titan set ticket. Could we really have a really good titan set done with a $30 budget? Sure Grievous was great, but that’s also because he had a specific build style. We have yet to see if they could even attempt to make something Grievous sized, yet have it still remain aesthetically pleasing with full coverage.

i’m not sure how they would make a tornado out of CCBS :stuck_out_tongue:


Man I got jailed for that, I’m an outlaw, no joke


Like this?


I can confirm that’s how I did it :stuck_out_tongue:


[quote=“Darknova3529, post:3247, topic:15529”]
I can confirm that’s how I did it :stuck_out_tongue:
[/quote] The humor in this topic sometimes… XD

Anyway, BS01 should have another BIONICLE review up pretty soon, so keep your eyes peeled! Oh, and I think VBBN said that he’d be doing Pohatu next so, most likely later tonight you Pohatu fans will be happy… or sad. :wink:

Man Lewa looks awesome in his united form
Edit: I’m really feeling Lewa. I thought he looked awful back when we first saw him, but now… I’m actually really into him.


I made a poll for Bionicle 2016, I’d like to see people’s general feeling on 2016 right now.
(does this count as advertising because it’s not my intend)


@Darknova3529 I think having a few more grey area options would have been better like say “I like two sets” “I like three sets”. You know, something that really shows in general how many sets people will buy.

Then again, that defeats the real purpose, doesn’t it? It’s meant to generalize where everyone’s at. XD

I know that for me personally, I love this year, but I only like 3 or 4 of the big sets, and 4 of the small sets.

The combo looks fantastic.

@Darknova3529 Personally, I think the Toa are either hit or miss. The creatures are great, Umarak is gorgeous, but the unity combos are glorious.
The way I see it is that the Toa need the Unity mode to be at their full potential, otherwise most of them look bland and uninteresting.


yeah I only wanted to see if people are positive or negative. because when the first leaks came out I saw alot of positivity and that has flipped.

I’m pretty sure BS01 will review Ikir or Uxar next

LEWA IS GODLY…I think I may have just dropped Onua or Pohatu…Sorry guys.

No way, I think it looks quite awesome actually. I may be just getting Pohatu, Lewa, and Kopaka lol.

Am I the only one that actually likes Pohatu combo? Yes? Well…I hope yall get stung by a scorpio =)

who did Kopaka’s review and where is it?

BS01 did it…it’s on their page.