BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

[quote=“KazumaDoubleIce, post:3946, topic:15529”]
Now this might just be me, but do any one elss think that beside’s the mask, they made Gali less feminin compared to her 2015 form?
[/quote]Considering that the biggest differentiating feature a female has compared to males facially is their jawline, and combining that with the fact that 2015 Gali and 2016 Gali both have the same general jawline and facial structure, I am inclined to disagree heavily.

I mean, I guess you could also include eyelashes, but I personally have eyelashes every girl dreams of. Thank ya Okinawan blood. XD


Yeah, she looks very femenine to me, I think the only thing that threw me off a bit were the pecs, but other than that, she looks fem.

I must argue that, of the Toa 2016, Pohatu looks the most feminine.


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I actually prefer the first arm build (i.e. the incorrect one), because it allows Lewa correct elbow movement (why LEGO didn’t do it that way from the get-go is beyond me). So don’t worry about that one…


Potette confirmed? I see what you’re going with but I’d say lewa looks femenine too.

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And, I must agree.



After playing around with Lewa a bit more (one arm with the correct build, and the incorrect build on the other for comparison of movement), I do also prefer the first build. The actual correct build seems kind of restrictive around the elbow.

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BS01 Ketar review:


if someone has the Ketar set, could they please try my idea on how to fix Ketar, which is to swap the two gear peices that the blades and the tail is attacked to, basicly place the flat gear peice on where the blades gears should be, so that they move on the sides instead of up and down, and then place the arm gear peices on the tail section to make the tail move up and down, again i want to see if this idea works.

though it does remove the unity function, but it probably makes it more funny if you imagine this scene happening when Pohatu and Ketar Unites:

just imagien the characters as these animals:

Ketar as Scorpion

Pohatu as Frog

Melum as Gerbil (i have noticed that some people do not like him so much)

Quality fan art… please


It’s tahu that Umarak is fighting.


I’M A HUGE FAN OF ROBOT CHICKEN! That’s a great thing to bring up in this topic

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Thinking about it, I wonder if any one will revamp Ketar as a snake or serpent. I think he would look a little too similar to Akida, but if done right, he could have enough differences to make him look different.

Honestly, it’s not the chest piece that makes her lack femininity. It’s everything else. She’s just awkward, with her long, poorly armored legs, stubby arms and unusual armor placement. 2015 Gali conveyed femininity through proper proportions, specific armor usage, and an excellent build. This version of Gali has none of that.


Maybe I could create a MOC with Ketar and possibly do that. 403

I’m sorry I hadto type “403” or it wouldn’t let me post. If I make a post a click reply it says “403 ok”

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I’m going to try it when I revamp the guy.

Also, I’m not sure if this was mentioned, but in Ikir’s Description on, Umarak’s referred to as a Shadow Hunter, which reminds me a bit of the Dark Hunters in G1.


Shadow Hunter = Gen 2 Dark Hunter confirmed!


them legs are not…long…

For me at least, I like it when things have longer then average legs. But I do agree with you.

Anywho, @Hydraxilos pictures of these sets actually really help them look better!


That’s the name of a character/group in my fanfic universe…get out of my head, LEGO!!!

(Then again, my Shadow Hunters are essentially a shameless copy of the Inquisitors in Star Wars: Rebels, so perhaps I shouldn’t complain…) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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They are, well, the thighs anyway. I don’t think Eljay was referring to her lower legs, just her legs in general.

Look at the torso to leg ratio. overall the legs are tiny.