BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

BZpower Tahu’s review is up!


Where do you live? Cause I want Nexo Knights sets.

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In my opinion the creatures are better than the toa, if only melum was different to terak(not just the function and colors)

Ehh… I wouldn’t necessarily say that for all of the elements but, I would say that for Ice and Fire.

Other than Ketar, I completely agree. The creatures were actually handled well. As for Melum and Terak, they are as similar as Narmoto is to Vizuna.

Gosh, what a perfect golden-orange mask… what a lame figure it has underneath…

Completely agree with that tahu is Meh… and his mask is amazing!!! :smiley:

After reading @DeeVee’s review of Tahu on BZP, I think I’ve changed my mind on whether or not I’ll get him. Originally, I was really salty about his godawful design and wanted to skip him completely, but after seeing his parts inventory a couple of times (especially that lovely mask), I think I’ll redact that sentiment. He won’t be a day one purchase, but a possible purchase all the same. I doubt I’ll keep him built for long, though.


My Barnes in Noble only has the Star Wars Constraction figures in their Lego/educational toy isle. They don’t even have the Toa or the Skull villains. That had Hero Factory sets for a while though.

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Tahu is not lame! He is still a very good set!

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I found them at the Barnes and Noble on West 15th Street in Plano, Texas.

I really like this wave and what it has to offer, even though some of the sets fail in delivering 2015’s satisfactory. I’m probably going to buy all of the Toa with some of my Birthday/Christmas Money, and revamp them to my tastes. Then I’ll have the satisfactory of a really great set!

#Holy Mata Nui!

In the UK;

  • Creatures are £6.99
  • Small Toa are £9.99
  • Medium Toa and Umarak are £14.99
  • Kopaka is £19.99

Everything is massively cheaper than expected, except for Kopaka who is probably the only one who keeps consistent with the older pricing.

Definitely going to be able to get the entire wave :3


you lucky little…


ohhh now I want to move to the UK, I have to wait and see the prices here, but im pretty sure it will be 10€, 15€, etc…

just noticed, in spanish they arent called uniters, they are called summoners


Holy cow, do you know how many dollars are in pound at all?
Almost 1,5.

I already said this :frowning:

What if the Ekimu the Mask Maker set came with the new Mask of Time?

That would make sense.

IMO, I already have a Yoda-like Ekimu with the Mask of Creation, so why would I buy the Toa-sized one (besides for MOCs)?

But if they came out with a new collectible Mask of Power in a set, I’d buy it (it’s one of the reasons on why I bought the Lord of Skull Spiders set, to be honest).


That all depends on the retailer you buy from. Certain stores such as TRU and Tesco will sell the creatures for £10.00 and the small Toa for £12.


Woah! Is that the spain website or the mexican one??
Also, I’d like to add that creature are indeed better handled than the toa, but I still like all the sets the same. The creatures do blow the protectors out of the water though.

EDIT: so…are you telling me that the atrocious Nexo knights sets are in mexico…but Bionicle isn’t? Who is in charge of this?

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it is the spanish one, european