BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

*has two of their factories and centers in Mexico
*missing half of the new sets
*doesn’t ship products via lego shop
*GG lego

Good thing is I’ll be back in the US, but I can’t help but to feel sad that kids in here will not know the magic of the bonkle~



thats what it looks like to search for bionicle here,

I dont think thats the case here, I have never seen anyone buying any set here,
(I should stop saying “here” and “in my country”)


and some people say that Bionicle G2 does not sell well.

the 2016 sets sells so well that they are gone before they are on the shelfs.

Well I heard the opposite numerous times, that they were selling really well, perhaps thats why they have the budget to make the show and a thousand new molds, but who knows really.
Well and the good news is that I did find Bonkle in a store! It had…you won’t believe it!..

Kivoda! Wooo…?
Hey, Inever had a protector at least it’s something.


In terms of sales, I went to my local Target about a month or so ago…the pickings there were slim, just a few Toa and a couple of villains, with no MMvSG at all. I returned there just yesterday to finish some Christmas shopping, and five out of six Toa were there, as well as every smaller Skull Villain. Still no MMvSG, but if what I saw is any indication, the sets were selling well enough to be restocked, so that seems like a good sign.

Plus, I live in Rhode Island, that one state in the US everyone forgets about…

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I hope the 2015 sets dont get removed before the three wise men, I want to buy 4 creautres and gali master of water with the money my family is going to give me :3
Atleast I hope they give me the money, not the 4€/month…

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Yeah, prices are weird

Guessing that it’ll be something to do with cheaper shipping costs so its easier to get stuff to the UK? I don’t know really, its surprising because now a Protector costs the same as 2016 Pohatu, Lewa or Gali… xD

I could see a Mask Of Time maybe showing up, but I’d expect Ekimu to have a different mask also as the Toa tend to have 2 masks and if he’s Toa-sized he’ll likely have 2.

On about it being directly sold by Lego;

Compared to the 2015 sets;


  • the smaller Toa (Gali, Lewa and Pohatu) now cost less from £12.99 to £9.99
  • the creature/protector sets now cost less from £9.99 to £6.99

I think the polybag will be avalible when the sets get released, AKA 31 dec.

Unsure… Nexo Knights has a January promotion from the 1st to the 10th i think;

Bionicle Polybag could be alongside that or released in the later half of January though…

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… Or february

We do not speak of that month…

How negative is the Tahu review? Should I read it, or should I just look at pictures? :stuck_out_tongue:


Does it matter how negative it is? I would assume one would wish to be well informed regardless of personal disposition.


[quote=“Eljay, post:4307, topic:15529”]
Does it matter how negative it is? I would assume one would wish to be well informed regardless of personal disposition.
[/quote]It matters to me, because I’d rather have an objective look rather than a subjective look. I just want an overall look at his features and what he does rather than personal opinions.

Why, may I ask, am I not allowed to ask the community WHAT the review contains? Perhaps I don’t want to soil my positivity with someone else’s thoughts? Perhaps I’d rather let my own thoughts on the actual figure form when I get him rather than have someone else’s gripes subconsciously and psychologically harming what could have been my own subjective view of him? It was just a simple question, no reason to go on the defensive over it.


Well I highly doubt I’ll be seeing any bionicle sets around here until who knows, but the most I can do is wish you all the best of luck to find the Bonkle sets during christmas (or as early as you can)

It’s only one day (yes I open my gifts at 12:01 in the night deal with it) till christmas and well, I’d like to not only wish you a merry christmas, but I’d also like to thank to all the community for being so great. I’ve been here barely a few months, but this community, even with all the arguments and disagreements we might all have, I feel like at home. I sometimes thought that very very little groups of teens-adults liked lego or bionicle as much as I do. Wether it was me getting made fun of by my skin, sexuality or even my interest in Lego, this is the place that I feel like we all can agree in something, we love bionicle.
I appreciate the effort that the staff makes to keep the boards online, and civil even with all the complaints and rants. So, again, I say

#thank you and merry freaking christmas.


I never understood christmas, the gifts are opened the day 24 or the day 25?

hmmm ok, I see, ty.

oh man I wanted to get the bionicle polybag with the first and last buy Im going to do on lego

Depends on the family, really, though I believe the morning of December 25th is the most common (at least, that’s how we do it, and how it’s usually done in movies and TV).


If you want an objective look at a set based on community comments, wait for a Recent Review. Unfortunately, you will not find that anywhere else online.

You’re allowed to ask what you wish. However, if a review is going to affect your personal opinion, then you may not feel strongly about that set in the first place.

Also, get back on topic guys. I’m sure we have a Christmas topic.

(And even then, stray away from political/religious discussion).


Kinda negative again… sigh

I don’t agree with everything on the review as it’s only one opinion.

@Tarvaax I’m loving the new mask too. Even if Tahu is not as a great set as Onua or Kopaka… ( I guess? ) but still he has the best Creature and the best unity model. So it’s 2 against 1. Definitelly gonna guy him with Ikir.

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[quote=“Eljay, post:4312, topic:15529”]
If you want an objective look at a set based on community comments, wait for a Recent Review. Unfortunately, you will not find that anywhere else online.
[/quote] See, I didn’t know if the review would be objective or subjective, and that’s why I was asking everyone. It wasn’t because I can’t handle negativity, it’s because I really want to preserve my own neutral state until the set comes out and I have it in hand, so that I can get a feeling for it myself, as I did back when I’d just randomly find them in the stores. It’s a weird reason, I know, but I just like that… feeling of finding out if I should like a set or not the day I get it which is why I stick to objective reviews. Sorry if I came off as snarky, I know I have a habit of doing that a lot.

[quote=“Ekimu, post:4313, topic:15529, full:true”]
Kinda negative again… sigh

I don’t agree with everything on the review as it’s only one opinion.
[/quote] Ah, thanks for the information! I looked at the pictures, and so far I really like what I see. I’m excited to combine Tahu with Ikir, and I’m loving the new mask.

Edit: I watched the review anyway because I have little self-control, and I thought it was a pretty good review. It was pretty objective, with a few subjective points that made sense.