BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

@Eljay for lewa voice!
Ehem sorry, but you all know you want it.
Anyway we are gettign off topic, so to get back err…umm oh yeah

@DeeVee said Tahu had a little neck, have you seen Gali’s neck? This is literally how she looks


I wish. :sleepy:


ehhh… i don’t know how to feel about this, i mean they are not 100% set accurate thank god, but… there is something about them that still does not feel right for me with them.

also, it seems that we where wrong, its not “Masks of unity” its “Masks of Fusion”…
so the creatures “fuse” to the toa?

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gali its like an EOD,

armored to the teeth
oh no never mind, only her torso is, the legs and arms…


I like the models, but the colours are awful. Backgrounds are too dark and tan/blue.

Fusion you say.

In Akamai and Wairuha we trust.


Wait what? New abilities? Where is the link to that? I want to see what Gali can do now!

######pohatu’s color scheme looks better in the show than in the actual set


oh you know, a shoulder canond Gali, a flying Tahu, a stinking Pohatu, a bug Lewa, and large shouldered Onua and Kopaka.

Yeah, but I meant if they got new ones without “fusing” with the Rahi.

Her new ability is to shoot water from twin canons on her shoulders, nothing new. Kopaka on the other hand, can apparently now freeze water into shapes (or something) and make it snow.


Wow I really like the art style!


where is this found at?


Bu-but the link? I can find the catalog but not the poll

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type club code Umarak in LEGO club.

“First, we were led by duty…then by Unity with the Elements and their creatures!”

For the Toa, unification with the Elemental Creatures brings vast power over their element and a whole new set of abilities!

For Tahu and Lewa, Unity with their Elemental Creatures brings the power of flight. Ikir the Creature of Fire gave Tahu Fire Crystal Wings, while Uxar the Creature of Jungle passed on special Sonic Crystal Wings, allowing Lewa to escape any threat.

Gali has been gifted new torpedo weapons by Akida, the Creature of Water, to tackle the Shadow Traps in the murky depths of Okoto. Meanwhile by uniting with Terak, Onua has developed valuable crystal claws to burrow through the island’s subterranean tunnels.

For the noble and reserved Kopaka, Unity with Melum brings more powerful ice weapons, as well as the power to freeze water from the air and sculpt the resulting ice. He can also make it snow, but he thinks that’s a bit undignified!

As for Pohatu, Unity brings a special challenge. Ketar the Creature of Stone appears as a Scorpion…his least favorite animal ever! Can he overcome his fears and wield his crystal claw blades?

I dont know if links work for club codes, but might as well.


that tahu has orange instead of gold

Well, it says “unite the fusion masks!”. Does this mean the dual-coloring of the masks was meant imply that the masks need to be “unite” with something to get the “fusion masks”?


silver mask error looks odd


So apparently Potato likes his unity just as much as almost everyone in ttv does. Huh, irony.

And cmon, we all know Kopaka’s snow power is the coolest thing ever!

I still stand by my point that Silver masks would have been awesome. However I do not hate the silver and gold combo anymore.