BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

I quite enjoy Ikir’s perching ability. He can perch wherever he wants.

@Hells_Sapper I need more proof than that

@Tarvaax you have all sets right?

He can?
oh boy time to make recolored Ikir into Laserbeak and Buzzsaw.

######I changed my name, just fyi

It’s honestly in between success and meh. The sets are really good, in fact they’re better than anything we’ve gotten out of BIONICLE in the past or Hero Factory. Some, however, fall short of the 2015 sets. It IS worth mentioning that the creatures are all better than the protectors, and since they’re the cheapest sets, they’re the ones kids are more likely to obtain at stores with their parent’s money. Using this as a bases, I can see this wave being a success for people with low income. Kids who couldn’t buy the Toa last year can now buy sets that also have cool functions and aren’t missing out like last year if they bought a protector.

[quote=“BlueCel, post:6861, topic:15529”]
you have all sets right?
[/quote] Yes m’am I do.

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Hail Denmark?

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I know im about 2 hours late on this but here is something to think about for the summer.

we could be getting 3x $20 beast sets, a $20 umarak set and a $10 ekimu set given that lego can swap the prices around. It would still at up to $90 like the last wave

We could also get a $20 ekimu, 3x $15 beasts and a $25 umarak.

Just something to consider in the ekimu size debate


I’m getting Umarak, but the ones I’ve fiddled with (all besides tahu and ikir) are really nice so far. I’m lovin the creatures.

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It’s a success, IMO! After having the sets in hand, they’re really good. The only meh thing I can find is the uniter torso. The function works alright, but it’s kind of faulty, and it’s a really tall torso compared to the smaller HF Torso Skeletons we saw last year. Saying that though, I love the new swivel function! The creatures are also really good as well. I absolutely love their functions. :smiley:

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How would you rate Gali?

I have found through mesesing around with Umarak he doesn’t have very good foot articulation

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Hmm… Well, in some ways, I found it to be a success for a few reasons:

  • When it comes to a villain, Umarak is very well designed. I really like the choices the designers went with for the set.
  • Most of the unities are pretty cool, especially Tahu’s, Lewa’s, and Gali’s.
  • The creatures are pretty amazing sets. Their small functions work quite well and I find them to be kinda adorable additions to the BIONICLE line of sets.
  • The blended masks are spectacular additions to Gen 2 BIONICLE.

I feel like it is also a failure in a few ways:

  • Mainly Pohatu and Ketar bring it down because of the terrible design choices. I also don’t like Gali’s proportions.
  • The swivel waist function, while neat, just isn’t as fun as the gear functioning arm. Also has some tightness problems for some people.
  • The fact that some of the weapons just don’t feel unique anymore with the new sword piece.
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It seems that people just kind of pass over the creatures in their thoughts of this year. The creatures are splendid for smaller sets, and outshine the protectors, so half of the wave is better than 2015, but the other half arguably falls short for some people.

[quote=“BlueCel, post:6868, topic:15529, full:true”]
How would you rate Gali?
[/quote] 7.8/10 Too much water :wink:
Nah, I’d rater her at around 7.4. She’s a good set, but has some drawbacks as well. Kind of like 2015 Pohatu. An all around good set, but he also had some problems.


bummer. At least he looks cool, and the totally original awesome six shooter bow looks nice with the recolored bone piece.


a success, 'cept for Ketar, but he gets an A- for effort

the torso construction really won me over


######I love Ketar though. I give him an a+

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Well so far, even with different opinions the wave is around meh-good-great areas

Considering his legs are meant to emulate deer legs and that deer generally have hardly ANY foot articulation, he’s better than he’s SUPPOSED to be in that area. You can move his feet up and down, side to side. Just use his legs for the main adjustments and balancing.


Just found out, someone stepped on my umarak mask D: now one of the head grippers is bent. :cry: luckilly I was able to bend it back in place enough it can still fit on his head. and no stress lines! Off to customer serveice to get a replacement

Oh yeah, Umarak comes with a shadow trap, made out of his shoulder armour.

Lewa + Ikir

Kopaka + Terak


Good call, that person sounds like a real jerk. Make sure that he/she is replaced with someone who will respect your future LEGO pieces. :wink: