BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

We acknowledge that, but sometimes people have no choice, for example…


In my personal opinion, I find that logic to be incredibly dangerous. If everyone shrugged and thought “I’m only one person, it won’t matter”, then presidential elections would be very, very different.

If at all possible, I encourage everyone to watch Journey to One legally, to show support for the theme. It’s rare that we get these kind of opportunities aside from buying the sets.

If you can’t, explore every possible option first. See what you can do.


There is a choice: to steal or not steal.
People pay for netflix and people worked for this show, which is just injust that people get to watch it free and ilegally

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While that’s true for Netflix shows, we currently don’t know if BIONICLE would be a LEGO show released on Netflix, or a Netflix show using the BIONICLE license. If LEGO still has some control, things could go down a bit differently than with shows Netflix has most of the control over.

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Thank for supporting me against the hate man :cry: if I think I could convince my parents to get it, I would. My mum was watching the advert and said “we’re not getting that” when my little brother asked

Maybe but I find it unlikely due to many Netflix shows releasing at 1 time

Daredevil and Jessica Jones (13 episodes a pop) released all at once. Same with Making a Murderer. I doubt they’d release these slower than that.

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It’s not hate dude, and I do feel bad for you. Not being able to watch it cause of your parents is indeed annoying. But it is even more annoying (to me) knowing that people are literally stealing content, and they are fine with it. So it’s not trully hate mate, it’s just that it just doesnt feel correct

I’ll wait for the DVD version they’re likely to release, or at least hopefully. If YT doesn’t have it. Plus I’m basing my logic of my friends and you guys here, and the Netflix adverts

Like I specified before, BIONICLE could just be a LEGO show on Netflix (which is a very big difference compared to say… LEGO giving Netflix the opportunity to make a show using the BIONICLE license)

[quote=“Eljay, post:9571, topic:15529”]
Daredevil and Jessica Jones (13 episodes a pop) released all at once. Same with Making a Murderer. I doubt they’d release these slower than that.
[/quote]Since two people say that there’s a pretty big chance they’ll all be released at once, I’ll have faith in both of you then. You guys probably are right and I’m just being too skeptical. :stuck_out_tongue:

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By Netflix shows I mean Netflix exclusive shows

I have faith in me too. And I guess Ejay as well…

I’ve been looking through instruction manuals, and I’ve noticed something: in the old days of BIONICLE, they used to talk about the story and the website.

Nowadays, they don’t, 'cause both the story and the site suck.


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Woah, woah! The story, and especially the new site, do not suck.

[quote=“21sselliW, post:9576, topic:15529”]
[/quote] Ohhh sarcasm… wait… you’re unsure about your sarcasm? Let’s have a little psychology session. What makes you unsure about your sarcasm? XD


Coming from you I expected you to lose hope so you don’t get disaapointed later :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Wait, so what are we talking about right now?

Once it actually updates properly, the site is amazing, especially this year. People have done nothing but praise the new story and website update since it came out, mostly. Please don’t rain on the parade :cry:

The Netflix show, how it’s going to work, when things will be put up. Schedules n’ stuff.

[quote=“BlueCel, post:9578, topic:15529”]
Coming from you I expected you to lose hope so you don’t get disaapointed later :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
[/quote] “Aww man, the Netflix series will like be just like… so awful. Like, totally bad beyond belief” Is that what you wanted, Blue? XD


Netflix show, piracy and yup
@Tarvaax better :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Ah, ok.

Yeah, I’m officially a pirate then.