BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

From another thread:

While I was perfectly happy with Uxar, Ikir, Terak, Onua and Umarak, I wasn’t quite so happy with the other sets I got. So, I’ve made some fairly extensive mods.

Ketar’s build and function was awful, so I simplified things a little.

MOD: Ketar, Creature of Stone | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Ketar, Creature of Stone | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Ketar, Creature of Stone | Lewis Hammond | Flickr

Gali wasn’t too bad, but had some serious issues with proportions. I also wasn’t keen on how that orange Vorox armour piece just floated above her one thigh.

MOD: Gali, Uniter of Water | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Gali, Uniter of Water | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Gali, Uniter of Water | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Gali, Uniter of Water | Lewis Hammond | Flickr

Kopaka was an absolute mess, so I wanted to not only bring some more balance to his design, but also to make him larger. I went a little too far however, and ended up making him Titan-sized. Melum had to recieve some minor mods so he could still fit onto Kopaka.

MOD: Kopaka and Melum Unity Set | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Kopaka and Melum Unity Set | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Kopaka and Melum Unity Set | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Kopaka and Melum Unity Set | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Kopaka and Melum Unity Set | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Kopaka and Melum Unity Set | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Kopaka and Melum Unity Set | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Kopaka and Melum Unity Set | Lewis Hammond | Flickr
MOD: Kopaka and Melum Unity Set | Lewis Hammond | Flickr

And with Lewa, I used a shoulder design that Flickr user Fruits? came up with. Now, I really liked Lewa as he was, but I made this mod because I wanted some more maneuverability in the shoulders.

MOD: Lewa, Uniter of Jungle | Credit goes to Fruits? for the… | Flickr
MOD: Lewa, Uniter of Jungle | Credit goes to Fruits? for the… | Flickr
MOD: Lewa, Uniter of Jungle | Credit goes to Fruits? for the… | Flickr


The Website isn’t as great as G1. And @DiamondKing, I’m not saying the site is terrible, but in G1 we had actual story on the site (serials, blogs, comics, character BIos). Actual reason to visit the site. Now it only looks good.

And as for story, well, admittedly the comics only had story in 2002-2006.



So yellow pins are real… I missed that.

Here we go again comparing G1 to G2

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I prefer the old Kopaka, ever since someone coughTarvaxxcough, made me, not only appreciate, but love his colour scheme :slight_smile:

@LoganMcOwen Those are excellent! Your Gali is just absolutely superb!


New theory:

Okoto is the afterlife/purgatory. When Makuta died at the end of G1, he went to Okoto. When the Protectors used the Mask of Time, they sped up time for the Toa until they died naturally, causing them to go to Okoto.


But with a TV series and books, the site isn’t relied on as much. Therefore it does its job exceptionally well. One thing to add, it does have character bios. If you’re going to criticize, at least know the site :wink:

No more theories, he is definitely confirmed to be dead in g1. He put his conscience in a robot who’s head was smashed by moon. Try and survive that

That’s just stretching it wayy too much, and I kinda want G2 to be its own thing, sure easter eggs and refferences are absoultely welcomed, but idk…


Meaning Okoto is a matrix created by the Red Star? Eh.


I know that. I’m just saying that the old site had more.


The problems with that: Matoran/Turaga/Toa don’t die naturally. They live for like… forever. In your theory, the Protectors are able to use the Mask of Time to affect a world outside of their own, and there would technically be two Makutas then.


As much as I would love it, I don’t really want a G1-G2 crossover…

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Some people (like me) just want a link between G1 and G2 too bad :smiley: I#m really excited which easteregss we will see this year * - *

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Imo the links would be pointless and confusing to new fans.

G2 is already more fantasy based, G1’s obsession with rules, scientific laws, and having a logical explanation for all things just doesn’t mesh well with G1 OR me. We already LIVE in a world like that, we don’t need fictional worlds that act the same way. The whole reason for having stories like this is so we can tell a tale that lets us FORGET our horrible depressing world filled with rules, logical explanations, and day to day routines of science dashing my hopes and dreams.

[quote=“Eljay, post:9602, topic:15529”]
Incorrect. They do die naturally. It just takes a really long time.
[/quote] Huh, I thought they lived for thousands of years at least. I guess I’m mistaken.


Incorrect. They do die naturally. It just takes a really long time.

They do. That’s a really long time. However, they are capable of dying naturally due to old age.


And also, I asked Greg Farshty how toa powers worked. He said they were a result of science but explaining it would make it less cool


It was in your list of things which meant g1 had ‘actual’ story but if the new site has them, then it too has ‘actual’ story on the site. Rendering your argument pointless
Thank you :wink:
There was just one thing I didn’t like about g1

Yeahhh… G1 slowly became too… focused on having a touch of our world’s mechanics and inner-workings for my personal tastes. It really lost the mystical feel it had at the beginning. I’m glad G2 is doing what it’s doing. Thank you LEGO for recapturing what I felt from BIONICLE at its beginning and making it into a reality. Bring on the magic and myths and prophecies. We don’t need logic, we need a world where magic is real and where mysteries that just won’t ever be explained by science flourish. <3