BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

I don’t know if this was already known but Merlin Mann just told me on Twitter that he isn’t involved with JT1. I find this quite disappointing, as I enjoyed his work on the animations.

Looks like he was trying to compensate for, uhm, some unnamed colleague of his :stuck_out_tongue:
Though maybe he’s going just a little too far with this observation thing…

Aw, that’s too bad :frowning: Who’s gonna give us g1 easter eggs now?

That got me a little upset back when I first saw that episode >:C

It sort of makes sense, though, I mean, you see a green guy in a jungle, what do you assume his element is?
jjjuuungle…? Close enough, I guess :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m still bummed that they mentioned Lewa being “master of air” as a joke…
I love air as an element. Jungle (as opposed to plants/nature, or air) feels… wrong to me.
I’m happy with G2 being its own thing.


Wait, what? Where’d you read that?

If true, I’m most pleased.

So in G2 so far;
Skull Grinder; Trans-Orange
Umarak The Hunter; Trans-Green
Umarak the Destroyer; Trans-Yellow
Ekimu The Mask Maker; Trans-Blue

By my count that leaves Trans-Purple and Trans-light blue (or white) in terms of future main character sets dominated by a trans-colour.

Makuta will probably include the Trans-Purple, though the character to represent a trans-light blue or white I’m unsure of. Maybe a G2 version of Takanuva?

This may be our first experience of the Toa brutally murdering a helpless enemy… interesting.

Technically they owned the copyright during the time it was cancelled, so this makes sense, despite being inaccurate to when the line was mainly active.

To be honest, something was bound to drop around the London Toy Fair or the Nuremberg Toy Fair. It is not particularly a trailer and more a character teaser, but i suppose that’s looking into things more.

The first reporter got every aspect incorrect. Calling that good is a massive stretch of the word :stuck_out_tongue:

The second reporter just stated what we have seen on leaks and the late coverage makes me question whether they actually paid attention or simply wrote what they saw in the leaks. Other than the ability to open/close the beast mouths and the confirmation on Umarak’s height, everything else is just relaying what we’ve seen in the leaks…

As i speculate above, I’m suspecting this was a rushed together report on the leaks after the backlash of the terrible coverage of Bionicle in the first report.

Elemental creatures… chances are when the elemental creatures are found/brought to the city they bring life to it. Either that or the second year of G2 takes place quite a while after the events of the first year.

Chances are that the sheer number of traps would hopefully be enough to capture the creatures. Its also possible that Umarak is a terrible hunter explaining why he has been unable to capture the creatures in the many hundreds/thousands of years it has been since his and the creatures creation.

Kind of looks like he has broken his neck given he’s both trying to look up and forward at the same time. Guess they are trying to be accurate to his toy though, in that you’d need to pose bizarrely to avoid clashing with the shoulder armour.

The eyes are drooped given the impression of sadness, boredom or simply old age. Rather than being like a mask it appears that his mouth is actually a beak built into his face. He honestly reminds me of this.

Would look better with a large arm instead of a club.

The styles are good, but the three styles don’t mesh well together.

  • The characters are too detailed for the moving aspects
  • The moving aspects such as the Lava lack detail and seem too cartoony
  • The backgrounds varying in detail and in some cases seem really basic

Place where Ikir is stored/captured/guards

Interested to see it when done :3

This is pretty much what i am expecting. Maybe with a twist where it ends after Umarak gets the Mask Of Control and the Toa make a vow to stop him. Then we could see an episode or two in summer (or possibly a movie) having them fight and defeat Umarak The Destroyer.

Though at the moment i am just thinking we’ll get the Netflix series of four episodes and that will be it for the story, especially after comments about simplifying it more.

Maybe this will mean we’ll get the original version with Makuta in 2017 (then a later set with him having the MoUP?) I hope so anyway… i like that mask better than the 2016 version.

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Perhaps the Toa and Ekimu use it as a base (or rendezvous point in this case because all the toa seem to have separated again)

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Notice how the runes on his torso glow?


I can take this one. We understand that not everyone is a native speaker of English, and don’t expect them to be perfect overnight. The Grammar comment is mainly directed at those people who ARE native speakers, who just seem to be making sloppy typos and generally not paying much attention to their posts.

If you have any further questions, feel free to PM me, Eljay, or any of the other staff members. Otherwise, let’s try to stay on topic. :slight_smile:


so, yeah we can still speak with grammar errors, thank god.

also, I think Ekimu is going to have a gearbox and the swivel function, but Im not so sure,

@drumpghball you had to use ekinu instead of Ekimu… I fixed that…


Yes, I thought so too!
His armpit looks pretty filled up or something, like there’s a gearbox somewhere behind there.

Yeah, that’s what held me back on 100% believing that, but it really does look like it!
But hey, maybe they thought of something?
It wasn’t obvious how Tahu’s shoulder armor was actually connected from the prelims, so this might not be what it seems to be either :open_mouth:


Wh wh wh whait hold up. I thought so too, that Ekimooo would have a gearbox to make the set a little worthwhile. However, if that was the case wouldn’t Ekimu’s torso build (exactly like Tahu in his shoulder pads) prevent the gearbox function?
Now I doubt Ekimu will have anything outstanding at all, besides his mask.

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the shoulders are not mounted the same way as tahu UoF’s it could be like tahu MoF or Gali MoW

well but he is 15€, so yeah maybe we are wrong


It was in the Brickset report Rex did, or at least it was. They seem to have taken down all their Toyfair articles at the moment.

Yet another MoCo mistake. I think this one was made unintentionally when the team was given the source material for the City of the Mask Makers and the Forge. They must have copied it not knowing that was an outdated design for the MoCo (I wonder if they even knew it was supposed to be the MoCo). The mask itself will probably be shown correctly.

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Speaking about UtD’s MoCo… isn’t it completely identical? (Almost) The set seems cool and all but you know, that mask looks like they just tore the “tusks” apart.

The trans light blue Mask Of Creation sounds interesting. We need a trans green Mask Of Control with it.


Oddly enough I think UTD’s one looks more like the actual thing than the one in UTH, but even then still liked the very fisrt original design more. Oh and btw the only notable difference is the mouth" is gone as is now…well an actual part of a mouth with teeth. It also has like bigger ears heh, obviously meant too look like the horns are extended.

I wish this were true. I really do.

I recommend keeping eye on this guy:
Stu Carter | Flickr

Did good coverage of the skeletons last year.


Obviously, @bingzakanuva has an uncle who works at lego :wink:

Ah, I was looking for the source of last year’s spooks!
Ta, ta