BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

“When times are dark and all hope seems lost the Protectors must unite, one from each tribe. Evoke the powers of past and future, and look to the skies for an answer. When the stars align, six comets will bring timeless heroes to claim the masks of power and find the mask maker. United the elements hold the power to defeat evil. United, but not one.”

It’d be interesting to see the “but not one” part end up meaning something totally different that happens in the future.

Edit: If all of the elements are required to defeat evil, then how can the Toa hope to defeat Makuta without the newly introduced element of Shadow? Hmm…


Well to be fair it isn’t trully new in the world, remember, Umarak has live thousands of years. However I don’t think ti counts as an element for it is nothing but if it did…would there be a Ma-koto region? Just made that up heh. And if all elements are requires to defeat evil…wouldn’t the MoUP itself be enough for that?

@BlueCel Well, since Umarak can use shadow powers, it’s pretty much confirmed as an element. The region’s are made from the raw elemental power used to craft the MoUP.

Perhaps Makuta does unite with the Toa and help them defeat evil. Maybe they somehow connect with his inner self, and bring his true feelings and emotions out, but Makuta doesn’t trust himself (feeling the temptation of power and dominance too strong) so he unites with them as the final elemental being required to destroy evil (symbolically speaking) and hurls himself into a volcano, making sure Okoto would forever be safe from him and the MoUP.

same, will continue to believe it’s trans lime until otherwise


I’m prepared for my eyes to get destroyed by the ammounts of trans neon green, just so I don’t die of dissappointment if it isn’t yellow. If it is yellow…imma die, but for joy.

Umarak…the destroyer of eyes.


it’d be cool if it was actually yellow

but I’m prepared for lime green


I’ve got a couple of things I’d like to say, everyone.

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Things I’m worried about:
1.)Umarak being neon green (prepared for it though)
2.)Larry having a weapon instead of his bare bloody hands (although vague and unlikely

That’s pretty much it, they are the top priorities on my list and either one of these remarks would make the sets a little less enjoyable.

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uh… eljay, what happened here?

I honestly think think accessory storm beast will have is just the kopaka mask


I hope so, but I’m already too worried to go back. I’d rather start preparing myself for the worst than be caught off guard heh…

But yeah, I think they meant the Kopaka mask, which if I may add, looks Awesome!

Before I fall asleep, I’d like to point out something from the TJTO video…

Yep, it’s the original 2015-styled MOCO. I hope this doesn’t mean that the MOCO will look this way in the rest of the show, or it’ll be really distracting. :neutral_face:


Looking at that just makes me even less happy with the actual Mask of Control we got. Sigh, welp, at least UTD has a better version of it imo.


No clue.

But you haven’t seen a gosh dang thing.


The fact that the statue uses his 2015 mask is a bit weird, especially since it will probably appear as it does in the Umarak set when we see it later on in the show. Perhaps it can change forms? Who knows at this point, I sure as heck don’t.


I’m whatever, though I did say £9.99, but conversation over then.

Now what did I miss, anything important?

Is.anyone else worried that this year’s summer wave appears to have a lower budget, or do you think it’s because they’ve scaled down prices in the smaller sets?

@Eljay I read that, yes proper grammar (can I correct people again then? :slight_smile: )

Summer 2015: £76.95
Summer 2016: £57.95

Quite a big difference, though I feel like it mostly comes down to £12.99 being £9.99 now.

Ok I won’t ask again, sir :slight_smile:

Literally a few posts up. Come on now. And these price points are nearly exactly those of last years summer wave.

Well… I did say nearly. =P


That’s why I put it down to prices dropping slightly

@AdamusTheFirst that has been mentioned I’m afraid

Has anyone else noticed that with the leak of Ekimu the Mask Maker, He’s got his left foot on top of a (what appears to to be) completely gunmetal/black Umarak the Hunter mask? Or has this already been mentioned?

Already mentioned. Buy that doesn’t make it any less interesting. I’m still not sold it’s a hunter mask though.

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The Lava Beast is armed with a pair of double-bladed flame swords. These look as though they could be reconfigured into a surfboard or skis but no such feature was demonstrated

what? what’s going on with the beasts?