BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

so the jaws are now confirmed to move thanks to BZPowers report and pictures on their facebook page

so UtD doesnt have elbows… sigh… going to have to MOC fix that

storm beast seems to have fixed some very minor details with his hands but still not that much. also JAWS WORK PEOPLE!

Quake beast looks even worse now

other than some awkward leg posing the sholder armour looks much better here and im starting to like this set

lava beast looks as awesome as ever


what the… who possed the sets? they are all over the place

I was right, QB can smash with his right arm


Jaws can be closed!!! Also Umarak seems to have a second transparent light blue mask of creation.

Ekimu and the Beasts will come out in June but Umarak comes out in July what?!

I think it’s just Ekimu’s mask, 'cuz in Ekimu’s picture we can see he’s next to UtD and the only mask in between them is the Trans-orange and Gunmetal Umarak mask.


what’s that? there are 2 transparent MoCr?

Ekimu actually looks better here.

Yep. Getting them all.

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Am I the only one who finds it odd that the beasts have trans heads and eye stalks?


Unfortunately it appears the horns move with the jaw, and it looks like there are two different jaw pieces. Ekimu has asymmetrical upper arms like Ouna. it seems that the more we see of Quake the beast the more we hate him imo.

@Jacques they act as the eyes of the beast, because the eyeholes might not line up with the eyes

According to the BZP Instagram on JtO:

“The first two episodes will air in March and the next two in July.”



So that means the beast masks may be semi-compatible with the solid heads?


o well.

they are as far as we know, except they would look really bad without the jaw as they expose the lower head part alot

Why is Umarak’s card the only that says he’s going to be released in July, while the others say June?


I know…I suppose we’ll just have to get over it. I’m more annoyed that the poster said February, but the episodes are coming out in March…without explanation for the delay. It makes sense that the two “Summer Wave” episodes will be released later, so the story isn’t spoiled months ahead of the sets. I suppose the really sad thing is that there are only four episodes. At 22 minutes each, that won’t leave much time for character development. It’s gonna be hard for them to fit a whole wave’s story into two episodes…maybe.

If they do it right, it could be fine.

Also, @Toa_Straya UtD does have elbows. That particular pic obscures them because of the spike armor, but in the shot with his mask off, you can see that the hand connector is attached to a CCBS limb…

Looking at UtD, I just realized, did they take the random purple out of the stickers he has on his chest?

what I don’t like about the opening and closeing of the jaws is that you have to move the horns to do so

The eyestalk would also move with the jaw
@Squigly it looks like they did :smile:

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oh wow! that’s a gearbox on QB left arm, I didn’t notice that before

I still say it looks like a blur effect to me. But a good artist I know said it looked like fire, so I’m inclined to agree…

Eh. The answer might never be known for sure.

That has got to be the best argument ender ever.
