BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

I think it’s too soon and unwise to start forming opinions about a function you can’t see work for yourselves. I advise you to take my approach and just wait until people have the set in hand and tell us their judgement.

Hail Denmark.

but it’s not much different than the real one, you can see how the arms goes far back

oh that’s clever, I like how they connected ekimu’s shield


The way I see it, we have here a lose-lose situation. There are several possibilities.

1: this is just the winter story. Problem is, there’s a huge gap in the telling of the winter story. It’s the animations all over again.

2: It tells both the winter and the summer. Problem is, it will be very time-constrained, like the animations.


@Asriel You’d be surprised what having all of the pieces, and having them in the correct color, does for a set. He seems to have a punching function on the hand with the big crystal fist. I think that could potentially be really neat. MOC-ups never do sets proper justice.

Cool your jets people. Don’t overreact so much.

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Worse? How? The actually built SB’s hands right and they also closed the beasts mouth to give variety rather than “you can’t close them” discussion. And they did give a few better angles of the sets.


Amen! Hail Bingzak!

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Still better than squashed Uxar haha…

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Who-who posed these?

Who-who built this?


Scrubby McBadposer.
I think they hire this guy at every toy fair around the world. How hard is it to make the fingers look right? Isnt this the first time since Toa mata nui that we have had poable fingers on a set?


what’s wrong there?

oh I thought you meant it was built the wrong way, yeah it has a bad design

Someone thought designing it like that was a good idea.

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Uh…I̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ ̶B̶a̶r̶r̶y̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶.̶

We honestly be happy that the employees posed them so haphazardly, allowing us to analyze the nooks and crannies of the sets. If they were to pose them like they do in the box art, with all the armor facing forward, it would be a lot harder to discern the actual build :stuck_out_tongue: