BIONICLE 2016 Discussion Topic

Maybe when Kahi and Var go to the toyfair today we can see the back of the sets.


Pretty sure this is our first time getting it in black also.


just when I though Lava Beast couldn’t get any better they all get the jaw function

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Ekimu also has the piston piece on his back. Check the Toyark pics for that. I guess it morphed onto his back. Ekimu is actualy very true to his original, which I like. He even has the trans blue upper legs with gold lower legs.

What is going on with storm beast though.


We now know a date to expect JtO. Also woo-hoo! Toyfair!

Wonder if Ekimu having his golden mask would help balance the colours a bit better.

Ekimu also uses the 15’ piston like piece to cover his lower back

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We do? Where did it appear?

Several posts up someone said that Bzpower (I think) confirmed the release date


All this images just make me more exited for the summer wave

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Ima make a mocup of QB arm, I know it’s ugly, but I want to try it

god that looks bad, I don’t have the exact pieces used, but it still looks bad


At least it’s… unique.


It’s “unnecessary”


looks just like it, except I think that it uses the new star wars torso without the swivel. the function is good, but execution is bad and they swords are going to hit the head if it goes back to far

All that messyness…all that hideous looking texture…for a swinging arm? Bruh…
If by any reason I couldn’t get all the summer sets, and I had to skip one, QB is absolutely that one. It tries interesting concepts, but the coloring and the unecessary iver complexity of the arm is…eh…


they could just have made something like skull basher’s which looks way better