BIONICLE 2016 Pre-Leak Speculation

Maybe they can be similar to the smaller rahi like the Fikou and the Gukko bird.


And Nui-Ramas, so we can get trans-dark blue Masks of Water =3

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could melum be the creature of ice? maybe the toas have to unite the elemental creatures living on the island to unlock greater powers and kopaka already did it. they can also combine i guess.
(i saw 100+ new posts here, i thought we got news but looks like this place became a chat. lol)

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When I saw 100+ new posts, I chanted in my room in joy, “YES! THE LEAKS ARE OUT!”

I spoke too soon.


melum is malum

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I guess you can blame my arrival :smile:

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So I wasn’t the only one.


I do want a new Femme Chest piece when LEGO all they did to their female CCBS Characters is made them look like guys. I don’t think we’ve aren’t getting a new Toa Mata-based foot,Pistons, or other “G1”-Related type of pieces any time soon.

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Right, but we should be getting new pieces, because if these sets are the same, they’re not worth buying. I doubt they are, though.

About these “uniter” sets. If they’re going to unite stuff, what will they unite with? The creatures? Themselves? Either way, if they unite with stuff, I’m pretty sure one of their functions will be uniting with stuff. Will it be like with the Av-Matoran in 2008? I dunno. All I know is that they wouldn’t call them “uniters” without a purpose.


Gali is most certainly less masculine than his Nuva and Mistika versions. The set wasn’t made feminine by the selection of parts, but how those parts were used… I find the thigh area done quite well. Her chest is just set too up.and the shoulders are too broad.


Me too. sigh


lol. HE is less masculine :stuck_out_tongue:
see, that’s why i wanted more feminine pieces xD

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It’s okay. I made that mistake 2 hours ago. :disappointed:

And I really don’t want “feminine” pieces. That’s just weird…

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I agree with you. Having feminine pieces would make it worse, in my opinion.


One of the first things I said when we got the Uniter/Unifier names…

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I’ve read trough your reply many times and only now noticed…

What a glorious first day here, someday I will end up dead because of these typos.
I was uh, going to sleep anyways.

But touch on the issue, what’s bad about having more “feminine” alternatives of pieces? They don’t have to resemble boobs you know, just less wide and more forward, shape would be generic enough to use for more purposes such as normal armor add-on.


What the heck are you guys talking about? Did your brain catch fire? The new Gali has a build similar to Samus Aran in her power suit. The chest is in the right place (and its not like all females have to have an over-inflated chest you pervs), not to mention females can have broad shoulders, and for the record she DOESN’T have broad shoulders (not the same way Onua, Tahu, or Kopaka do. You know, the masculine beefy characters?). Her shoulders are literally as small as Pohatu and Lewa’s who just so happen to be the fast, lanky type of body builds for men anyway, rather than the beefed up and muscular builds the other three have. If anything, Gali has the proportions of a female who trains for fighting.


Just a friendly reminder to keep the conversation clean, fellows. Thanks!


Tarvaxx dropping truth bombs over here…


sorry eljay