BIONICLE 2016 Pre-Leak Speculation

eh true i’d prefer a clone set over a Dragon tbh

Wasnt it confirmed that G2 cannon includes magic and gold?



yes it was sir

had nobody been bothered that the toas weapons shoot lasers

in the Commercials?

also i feel as G1 was pretty magical m8

Being OP would be a nice match for theToa I don’t want another LoSS type battle :stuck_out_tongue:

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Magic is just a more softer word for “power” which is used more in themes intended for boys.

a little op but not to op

also what if umurakk is like a vahki and his friends come in the summer so he is trying to awaken them or something

Maybe,but I like to think him/her as a sentient Hunter like Lockdown from Transformers.


sentient vahki maybe"?

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What :smiley:

Edit:Would be a cool concept,a big warrior who want’s everything to be in order as Makuta wants it to be.

well in G1 we had the Bohrok va they had undying Devotion to cahdok and gahdok

but they were still sentient and had free will so something like tha :smile: t?



Yet,I think Umarak will have a simpler thing going on ‘‘Hunting’’,rather than a Vahki which has a lot more things going on.(Bringing order,convincing and capturing matoran etc.)

i doubt it

as long as he isnt kulta “chin” skeleton

I mean…they can change their style in the future but for now,Lego is playing it safe and simple.

aww i hope umurakk looks like this


so now that I have read true 134 comments…

I wan’t
more recolers
new feet
detailed shells
detailed armor add-ons
new masks I gues or atleast mask packs

I also wonder how lego is going to trow in the mask of controll in the summer wave.

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Anyways, do you guys think that they might bring back some 01 Rahi as the creatures? That would be cool.


I’d certainly give alot for a muaka and a tarakava set


And a Nui-Jaga for the Stone Region. It would be so awesome.

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Don’t get your hopes up. These are protector-sized sets.

Also, I really hope we get a dolphin. That would blow my mind…but these animals will probably be generic 4-legged animals, with only a few unique characteristics.