BIONICLE 2016 Pre-Leak Speculation

we’re discussing wha we’d like to see (pls dnt shut down this fun)


there haven’t been any leaks past the names, and since they’ve buffed up security at LEGO, no image leaks yet, so speculation


is it bad that i imagine rahkshi guarding the photos?


it’s not bad. i think you can see the future

I trust Mesonak to find the leaks and bring light upon the 2016 topic. :smile:


I don’t think it’s because of the security but the fear of not losing a job like the guy who leaked the info about the new storyline snd the amount of sets that were given to employees for the re-release of Bionicle.

That said I don’t think the guy who leaked the set stand got fired. Or Have I’ve been given misinformation?

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Eh, fair enough. I’m no mod, so I can’t do anything about it anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: (But I at least suggest making a wishlist topic…)

Personally, I’m not sure we’d need a wishlist topic. Granted, so long as this is all stuff you guys want to see in 2016. If it’s not, then yeah, one could be made.


It figures that everyone started to pick up that I was an irrigator right around the time I stopped doing irrigation because of my move. ;-;

Also, I’ll be totally cool with some new chest armor next year. That’d be kinda nice. More recolors above anything else, however.



eljay you’re one of my favorite cast members.

also yea chest armor would be very much appreciated


I’m hoping not just for new armor add-ons, but new pieces and functions as well.

has anyone considered th without their masks the toa kinda look like cat people?

(in the animations)


Now I can never un-see that. It makes me appropriate how they hid their faces in the G1 movies. :rage:


I personally want the toa to use gearbox but I wan’t to see Umarak to try something different. And the creatures will probably be just walking, flying and swimming spring-shooters, not only because of the supposed 4chan “leak” but because it’s use has increased on Lego themes overall and it would give consistency between the six or five of them.

well i liked the 2001 mata head the most i wish they had made a 2015 version of that head :cry:

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heh, imagine Umarak is an amphibious thing with all the abilities of most animals, allowing him to swim,fly, and walk, maybe dig underground?

Or we could think transformer’s Lockdown or some type of poacher

lets give stone some love

a stone animal thing that hunts the wild life of okoto and trys to give them corrupted kanohi!

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That would be extremely interesting. I would prefer option one, as he would get his power from the beast that he captures.

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but wouldnt that make m OP

Umurakk is Op pls nerf

Well there were many OP things in g1, why wouldn’t they have OP magical things?

Heck, for all we know he could be a dragon who could destroy Okoto in 1 day