BIONICLE 2016 Pre-Leak Speculation

Now that is going to be a good theme. [dreaming of CCBS Space Knights]

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[quote=“Payinku, post:1505, topic:3038, full:true”]

Same here. Depending on the quality of Nexo Knights I might buy less Bonkle.

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what is nexo knights?

A new CCBS/System line planned for next year. It’s super-secret.

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i hope it fails like galidor

Why? It sounds Amazetastic.

Why? What reasons do you have for saying this?


What :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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it could take bonkles throne.

there’s a topic for it

feel free to comment on your hopes for failure there.


if it’s CCBS and it says there is a disk launcher that could be interesting.
i could take it and use it for matoran

as cool as that would be it would be horribly scaled down due to pricing concerns

@GK733 Kopaka and Melum unity is probably going to be 30 or 40 dollars depending on what they’ve got planned

Edited for double post -legomaster

Hey i dont know if you’re new but you just double posted


i doubt so and if so i could still use it for my matoran for a toa maybe not

Don’t double post.

Maybe the Creatures are humanoid? I don’t think anybody thought about that

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That is pretty unlikely, seeing how a creature is an animal. Maybe if one is some sort of Ape.

I see you’ve learned your lesson. :wink:

While I appreciate you and @VictorianPanda’s willingness to help, please don’t do the Mods’ job. Just flag and move on. :smiley:


i was thinking of something like that scorpion guard for the creatures


That could just be a Skull Warrior in some sort of Skull Scorpio garb.

Nexo Knight’s is most certainly a system heavy theme. Unless they are not incorporating smaller and multiple new CCBS molds I don’t see the 10 bucks sets being made of CCBS, rather something like the “mixel-buitl” chima beasts.

I hope one of the reasons why Kopaka and Melum are in the same set is because they wanted to make Melum a 15$ set, this however could mean that Kopaka has less parts than his 2015 version. But I’m hoping for 35 bucks, or even forty. Now that would be something.

Maybe Umuarak?
Or at least a clan member of sorts.