Bionicle 2018-?: Jumping the Bazooka Mecha Roboborg

So Bionicle G2 is planned to run from 2015-2017, is if it’s sucessful it’ll run for many more! And kids and nostalgic adults love the line, so many more years to hype about! Since 2018 will have a new story, what will happen? New villian, new Toa, new islands, new PLANETS, NEW LORE THAT IS SUPER COMPLICATED TO LEARN?!?!?!?! Well we don’t know yet, so speculate and have fun being Bonkled for hours :smile:!


It would be absolutely incredible if bionicle went sci-fi. Maybe we’ll get zero suit gali


We have WAY to many of these topics. :confused:


Now I like thinking about the future, but it’s 2015. Why are we thinking about 2018?
Don’t mean to be harsh.


@helryx Maybe if we have a Bionicle/star Trek crossover we could get Kopaka Spock :grin:??? …No? Ok then :stuck_out_tongue:?

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I was thinking more, small teams. I would give an example, but I probably shoudn’t share it.

Maybe like the whole “zords” thing from power rangers.


@Plural @SwagMeister Sorry =(. The only reason I made this is because if 2018 does happen, there will be a new story, so what will change and stay the same?

Edit: @helryx Bionicle robots would be the best thing ever! But I hope it doesn’t become too cheesy and kiddish like the Toa being trapped in our world or they just turn super dumb (5-7 kiddish I mean :stuck_out_tongue:).


Kospoka confirmed

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Na. And I just used the zords as an example. My idea is that each toa has their own small battle ship.

@helryx Oh yeah, Toa ships would rule though, they could all combine into a Bazooka Mecha Roboborg? It would cost a lot though so, IDK how that would work unfortunantly :disappointed:.


Yeah. It would be cool, but bionicle would have to go all invasion from below.

@helryx Wasn’t that the one where the heroes got huge mechasuits when they were already huge? I rreally hope Bionicle doesn’t go off from it’s original type of line.

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It was this:


@helryx …That looks awesome :sob:! Were the other ones as cool as that,but and dat Matoran tho :smile:!

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Not really. The evo mech wasn’t that great either. He doesn’t have very much articulation and his waist is like teridax.

@helryx Well I like to build complex stuff, I don’t care about articulation much. Is it bad that I say that HF looks cool to me :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:? Bionicle is still cooler though.

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Bazooka Mecha Roboborg. Huh. :neutral_face:

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Gun was taken unfortunantly :smile:!

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Assuming Bionicle lasts that long, hopefully CCBS evolves enough so we can start seeing larger and more complex figures that won’t break the bank.


@Plastic_Collecter i hope it does :neutral_face:. New CCBS pieces would be cool, aybe new uses for them too? Hopefully the bionicle tLG does well with this system to redeem it to CCBS haters :confused:.

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