Bionicle animated Trading card game

don’t you mean the extension pack?

Expansion i mean

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This is a fantastic idea. The designs look really nice as well. In practice the single colour cards might make differentiation between them a little difficult.

I have to say though that purely from a digital design perspective they look fantastic.

As for ay wise, we already know that Bionicle works as a table top game do heck yeah I’d play it. If Dark Souls and Binding Of Issac can translate to that medium then Bionicle should have no issues.

The only thing to know how the game works and of cours… What colored decks do, and what specialty it had, and how they play the game

Also… How to win a game


Just don’t lose.

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BCG location_20211218113057
Fire landscape card

BCG location_20211219085222


I like the very abstract nature of the style


I love the artwork! Great stuff! :+1:

I was wondering if you’d be willing to share raw cards art, as I’m building up cards for my own Bionicle RPG :thinking: :pray:


quickly welcoming you to the boards before Zukah does


Welcome to the boards!



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Each color is coordinated and visualize by element or principle.

Red for example is powerful like fire, but low health, for they derived from the principal of courage, when sacrifice comes a price. :fire:

Blue on the other hand is a supporting deck because thy heal like water toa do, and can help ally elemental beings, Purity. :ocean:

Green is of Course a combination of air and faith, lowest price for an army of animals, for rahi and matoran work together. :deciduous_tree:

Amber is difficult (for me) to understand, its meant to be a combination of stone and a principle of creation as far as i could tell. :desert:

Black is prosperous color, Deeper underground like earth, it can allow Bionicles to traverse through or collect resources. :mountain:

White is a lone wolf deck that wanted to go about its way, peaceful, independent and will ice freeze anyone who provoked. :snowflake:

Gold is an all color, but derives from all of positive traits of bionicle, it gives upgrades, healing, superbuffs, even virtuous effects. :sunny:

Dark is also an all color, but went to an opposite path, its like every makuta derives from, deceit, greed, and debuffs. :smiling_imp:

Rainbow is also an all color that can be matched with any color, even Nocolor. They the most powerful cards ever crafted. :rainbow:

Nocolor, had no trait, or principle, or element what so ever, it can be filled with different color but itself because 0+0=0. :white_circle:


How would the game be played? I’m truly ignorant of most trading card games rules.


Well its like mtg
All players stars off with 3 cards in hand and 1 energy card after shuffling, and each will have 100 HP

Each turn the player draws an energy card from energy deck.

Then you play an energy card to the energy pool.

And if you had enough energy cards, you can play any card you had in your hand that had equal or less then the energy cards you had…

And during your turn, you could choose 1 or any creature you had on your table to tap in order to strike your opposing team.

Then draw a card from your main deck to end turn.

Theres possibly a unique twist, you could only play a creature as long there was a region active in a battlefield.

Region cards are like islands that unlocks card slots which could hold many creatures/ bionicle it can depend on color.

Creature cards can only be placed on the available card slot, starts off inactive until next turn.

All digit numbers besides the energy cost, have numbers go by 5, including the players HP.

1 = 5
2 = 10
3 = 15

Tp win a game is you make sure you defeat your opponent by deplete there HP into 0, or gain all 8 kanohi cards and then you win.

Kanohi cards are artifact cards, and each of them gives the bionicle a special ability, but will stay tapped for a few turns after use.

6 type of kanohi cards
Nobel (weaker cards)
Great (normal cards)
Master (stronger cards)
Immoral (devious cards)
Adaptive (armored cards)
Legendary (powerful cards)


That sounds fun!

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Dang, he’s tough!


Cuz he is a titan

Titans are meant to be almost op


shroud > hexproof

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This is a really good concept you have. I love this idea. Say is this going to be on Newgrounds? If so are you open to beta testers?