BIONICLE: Battle for the Mask of Power (iOs app)

Seems fun. I’ll try it out once I’m bored of KOTOR on my iPhone.


I was hoping for an Okoto Online Game, but this’ll do.


Got it! Downloading now, playing in a minute!

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Dag nabbit, it requires iOS 7 or later, and I’m stuck with iOS 6 on my 4th gen ipod touch. -.- Have fun, people with up-to-date tech!


I’ve already progressed trought it. It includes some cool pics of arrived Toa but there is almost no story and it is so boring…

I’ve been playing too much Endless Stages…

My high score :stuck_out_tongue:
Try to top it, or something!


Woah dude I haven’t gotten up to that part yet. Mark it with spoilers please!

what the…

I see you also have that “ultimate” version of Onua… Do you have other Toa in this version or not?
If you do, how did you acces them?

Not at all, sadly :confused:

Maybe not, but I have Kopaka!

if my game ever stops crashing…

I wish we got something like mnog

I need a little bit of help with my phone about the new Bionicle game

The playstore said that my device (my phone) wasn’t compatible with the new bionicle game even though my phone is an android.

Can anyone help?

The game is fantastic, I got the game on the 1st day of Jan and I am at the end of the game with the toa.

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You’ve got outdated android, perhaps…

or you might need to update it?

I myself think that the game is awesome and it has far superior controls than the HF invasion from bellow game and belive it or not it has a bit of explorasion.

So I said I’d try one last round of endless for the day. Then after a half hour or so, this happened…

Yeah, my finger hurts now…


As you were saying? :stuck_out_tongue:


your combo’s higher, but your score is a lot lower. I say Oonie wins