BIONICLE Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard

Sorry but how else should I respond to someone wanting to force me out of a conversation, I’ve been fairly calm through out. It only spiralled after this post

Heresy. Invoking the emperor’s name as a deity is commonplace.

By … not being passive aggressive?

at no point did anyone say this. Again with the exaggeration.

calmly sarcastic.


I wasn’t sarcastic here

Ok, fair but I want to be clear that I didn’t enter this discussing wanting it to spiral and I want to be very clear about that

I disagree with this, based on the premise that this is supposed to be a Lego contest.

Custom Kanohi and weapons are allowed (in limited quantities) due to the fact that they are much more unique and detailed in nature than armour (and even then, we probably could have gotten away with banning custom weapons as well). Armour, on the other hand, is often more generic.

Plus, once you allow custom armour, do you also have to allow custom shins and forearms? Eventually, figures would be majority-3d-printed.

(Although, for this contest, maybe if you 3d-print enough of a figure, you can wrap around and submit it as a sculpture in the Art category…)


When we have the opportunity to do differently, to build greater and more complex, strong reasons are needed to limit everyone to only building in a specific way. Creativity, but only with your box of crayons.

Parts had to be approved by LEGO and tested to death before they could be machined and mass manufactured, sets were under a very specific piece limit per set per wave, dozens of alternate designs were considered for each set… This is getting afar afield.

Working with some limitations is almost always good - it breeds creativity. But demanding only prefab limb pieces - on top of mandatory metallic colors, uniform aesthetic, precise color blocking, Metru torso and hip combo, mask restrictions, and community stigma - is absurd. TTV’s rules are demanding, but hardly unrealistic, and even the Metru torso ruling is fair.

But adding that we can only use prefab limb pieces in their intended uses is perhaps the most absurd addition of all. Custom-built limbs is perhaps the greatest staple of the MOCing community, and even in this contest there’s presence of it occurring again, with people adding to the shoulder to allow for a ball joint. Are those not canon?

If I can match the Hagah appearance, aesthetic, color, height, stature, and weaponry, I should be allowed to call it a Toa Hagah even if it happens to use a custom lower leg. Demanding that it’s not canon compliant - that it needs to be only prefab pieces (worse if it’s forced to use pieces that only existed by that point) - is by no means reinforcing canon, it’s reinforcing headcanon.

You’re rapidly convincing me that I absolutely need to enter by implying that I’m simply not comprehending your arguments and that my intended goal of building custom limbs - which, if approved, would be the basis for Canon - isn’t Canon.

Expect my entry in the next week.

Canon =/= Creativity?

So that’s why all the entries are clones!

And that’s your opinion and you’re welcome to it. I’d hope most of the voters think differently, but I guess there’s only one way to find out.

Everything having to boil down into a theoretical prefab piece being a swift replacement is a weird prejudice, but you do you.

It’s a little late for that.
See, the contest has started, and entries are already in, and… Well, maybe next Hagah contest.

Sorry, I was actually discussing how @xXMountaindewlordXx really should post more. Or at all, actually.

And it’s at this point that any further chaos would only end in people getting the severe whipping promised in other topics. Kini has had an exceptional level of patience thus far, but when it comes to nitpicking and name-calling Eljay has a lot less. If someone’s irritating you, you be the one to back out; don’t stick around and make it worse.

(that’s not at anyone specific)

I’ll try to get my entry finished as swiftly as I can. Juggling three other builds besides that right now, two of which are incredibly detailed articulated system models. But Kualus will get all the love and support an adoptive father who doesn’t pay child support can give.

this is a reference to HSH shenanigans please don’t kill me


Wow, I just gained an enormous amount of respect for you. No wonder people worship you as a deity.

I’ll be entering the contest with my entries soon (hopefully), but before I do, I just want to confirm: I link my entry topic here, correct?


Did I say we were working with my crayons? At most I’ve stated a personal preference from which I vote. If you want to build a custom limbed Hagah by all means.

So creativity was still the driving force in that iterating of set designs

Never did I demand anything once again I have a personal preference but nothing that stop you from entering what you want.

Both prefrences and in no way binding.

I’ll refer you to the following on my overall opinion about canon, canon builds and canon contests:

if this is too much restriction for you then it is but for the ones who wants an extra vote its something to consider.

Canon =/= clones

Only people make clones happen

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Is there a specific pack that has the rhotuka shield for I’ve downloaded a few of the common packs already, but I don’t see it. They only have the rip cord and other pieces that hook into the shield itself. And those were from me importing in the Iruini set.


I forget exactly which pack it’s in, but I have it, and I only have the Biopack, Galvapack, and Khingkpack.

Also, where can I import sets from? I’ll need to do that eventually.


It must be the Biopack, since I have the other two.

To import a set, just click File > Import, then type in the set number for the set you want. There may be some pieces that can’t come in (like the shield when bringing Iruini in), so they’ll come in as small squares along with the other parts. But if you have the missing pieces from custom packs, you can get them from those.

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So here’s what’s going to happen.

I have spent Eight months watching these contests topics and people getting heated back and forth, telling them to chill, telling them to remember to be respectful, telling them that if they can’t handle people disagreeing with them without getting snarky that they should go take a break.

And you know what’s crazy about that?

It’s the same people every time. What’s more, I’ve been so lenient about it a case could genuinely be made that I haven’t been moderating at all.

So here’s the deal.

Be respectful, remain chill, don’t get snarky in this or any other contest related topic or the result will be a week long suspension.

Everyone’s allowed to disagree. Everyone’s allowed to not like aspects of these contests, god knows there are plenty I don’t either. God knows there are plenty of things that I would change about the last year and this contest if I could.

This goes for everyone, but if you’re getting frustrated because someone doesn’t have the same viewpoint as you, do yourself a favour and take a moment to read what you’re about to post and thing about how it’ll be received by the person on the other end. Seriously, do yourself the favour before I do it for you.

I have been incredibly patient throughout the last few months and thus far I haven’t suspended or banned anyone. I am no longer patient.

Follow the board rules in this topic, as everywhere else. Failure to do so will result in progressively longer suspensions. That goes for everybody.


The ripcord and rhotuka holder are in vanilla The rhotuka and shield should be in the Biopack


I’m gonna piggy back off this and start, since I feel we’ve had enough warnings and I’m tired of adults acting like this.

@Tarkur @Winger You’re getting warnings. If this happens again, we’re moving onto suspensions. We’ll start at a week, and after that you’re gonna start missing full contests.


Fair enough. I got way to invested in that one issue. Meant to back off before it got that far, but egotism isn’t connotative of chill arguments online. Apologies.


I have the Biopack, but I’m only finding the shield. Do I have to use a search term other than “Rhotuka” to find the Rhotuka itself?

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It’s labeled as Propellor.

Also, never click the stability checker. I just did to see what it was, and now it’s stuck in “checking” mode and I can’t get out of it.


There’s an X next to where it says “stability check.” Clicking it should take you out of checking mode. Or have you tried that already?

Yep. Didn’t do anything.

Hmm. Might just be a glitch. Maybe if you close and reopen it’ll work properly?

Maybe. I guess I haven’t changed too much after saving last, so it shouldn’t be too bad to redo whatever gets lost.