Bionicle Cover Dragon

My high-school graphic design class has assigned me with creating a cover for my district’s rec. department magazine. Low and behold, the theme is lego. I’m planning to make a giant dragon and take pictures. Something like the kanohi dragon. I also want to integrate lots of gears, to show parents it teaches kids about engineering. This is a big project, and I need all the help I can get. Any suggestions?

Edit: It’s done!


Makuta Miserix, but G2’ed up. Make sure to give it the appearance of multiple geared-up functions, but there’s no need for actual functionality. Because, y’know, it’s not like the magazine’s gonna convey functions easily.

Also, FIRST! :smiley:

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be quick, be bold.

just rush out a prototype of what you want quickly, then work on fixing the problems.

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What if I put Miserix, the Tahtorak, the Kanohi Dragon, and the Bahrag in a blender?


Edited Title for grammaticul thingies -not_legomaster


It would help if you draw a draft, post it here and then we can help you improve on it.

I suggest going with “the good side” like toas and whatnot to attract children too, however pif you are going for the dragon or Makuta you have to put a lot of effort and detail on them to make them more appealing.


That’s a great idea. Unfortunately I don’t have my Spanish folder at the time, where I drew the plans for it.

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What you want to do is take a good chunk of references and go ballistic.


I made a first version of the head.

I was originally going to make it a fire dragon, but after making the head it looks like lightning. I think I’ll use red and orange.


Make one of the Dragons from skyrim since I just started playing it on me PC
Or do Aurellion All from league of legends
I might be a tad bit to late
But I hope my ideas are uselful


The red pins… oh, the red pins…



Not all people are Eljay


As I said, It’s going to be red and orange, they will look more in place later.

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Is there a deadline?

It’s sometime next week or the week after.

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Taking the long snout into consideration, I believe you should go for a sea dragon.

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Alright, I got the body.

I added a flame beard that looks pretty cool.
The spikes are much more stable, but I had to add liftarms on top so it looks like a tiny hat. I’ll probably redo that connection again before I move on.

I wanted to use the chinese dragon chicken feet, so I based them off nivawk.

I used those ccbs joints to stabilize the connection, but it just looks weird.

As a whole, I want to make them much longer and snakelike, maybe using some tubing in the body.


I see you might be going for a Chinese dragon look

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What gave you that idea?


Looks nice, the beard looks at bit strange due to how long it is compared to the head/ body, but I really like the build.

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