Bionicle Diorama - Ta-Matoran and his Ussal

Hi all!

This is the second Bionicle scene I’ve made. This one is a lot smaller and less busy than my Po-Matoran quarry scene but was a real experiment with stuff like flocking.

This ta-matoran is on his way to a nearby trading town to sell charcoal he’s made. His loyal ussal crab carries the load.

There’s an imgur album with more angles and pictures of just the scenery, without the mocs.

If you want a closer look at the ussal crab check out the topic I made for it.


Matoran reminds those from 2006. And… Is that crab actually moves sideway like all normal crabs do??? Scene is neat, just a good part for a larger road. Also, tree is too bright for my taste. Well done!


I love it

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This is great!

I think in terms of your experiments with flocking, this does prove successful.

That being said, I do have to say this one isn’t perhaps as interesting as the quarry scene. I know that might not be the intent at all, but I do think as its own diorama it could do with some more features or terrain.

This one also kinda suffers due to its framing. The quarry scene was so large that it took up most of the images, so it felt more immersive that way. We see much more of the actual backdrop in this one due to how its framed, and it kinda looks less like an immersive scene and more of just a picture.

I do really love these, though, and I’d personally love to see you tackle a Ga-Koro or Le-Koro scene, as challenging as those may be! Great work, can’t wait for more!

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@Lesnichly Thank you! Yes, the crab’s meant to be moving side ways! Really liked how the ussals in MNOG did that and it was a shame 03 Puku didn’t.
I’m really not all thath appy with the colouration of the tree, yeah. The colouration of all the parts that went into its foliage went kind of awry, and in this photo set in particular it’s really hard to pick out against the backdrop of my garden. Woops!

@Pakari I absolutely agree with you on every point here! This one’s a lot smaller and a lot more subdued because like I said, was getting used to making and using stuff like my own scatter and clump foliage, and building on a set board rather than setting things up free style. The whole thing was a real learning experience because pretty much everything went wrong in some minor way.

The backdrop I really should have thought through more carefully. I think ideally I’d have put this on a table with a solid backdrop of coloured A3 or something. All the tables were occupied and I thought it would be fine as a centre piece just on a little stand, but the big problem there is the amount of garden showing in the background, and again that makes the tree almost invisible :grimacing:

While I might do a few more of these very little scenes which are more like set dressing for a moc or two, for the most part I’m planning on doing more elaborate stuff like the quarry! Bustling scenes which are also a chance to do some writing about how i interpret the MU. I’m quite likely to do a ga-koro next (one in the mountains though, with a waterfall and some rocky streams) but I’d also love to have a go at making some urban or industrial scenes, and I’d love to play around with a way of making matoran huts that look like they’re made of wicker, thatch, planks or leaves.